“Hold Newmont Accountable” action

DJPC MONTHLY ACTION TO HOLD NEWMONT ACCOUNTABLE for environmental and human rights abuses in Cajamarca, Peru What: “Bannering” and leafletting Where: Federal & Speer Blvds., Denver When:  Monday, June 22, 2015,  7:00 – 8:30 AM Denver Justice & Peace Committee P.O.Box 12403 Denver, Colorado USA 80212 www.denjustpeace.org Tel. 303-623-1463 [email protected] Facebook – Twitter – Skype


Stop the intimidation of anti-mining protesters in Peru!

DJPC joins over 50 groups in signing statement opposing intimidation and forced displacement of mining protesters in Peru   Monsignor Cabrejos and Father Garatea listen to the demands of the population of Cajamarca at Namococha lake. Photo: Jonas Hulsens/CATAPA  Click here for complete statement. See complete story by Payat Sampal of EARTHWORKS: EARTHWORKS blog   Denver … Continue reading Stop the intimidation of anti-mining protesters in Peru!


Violence over Newmont’s gold-mining

The on-going, non-violent demonstrations by thousands of citizens against Newmont’s proposed extension of its gold-mining in Cajamarca, Peru, have resulted in police violence against the protesters.  At least five have died from the police firing live ammunition, and dozens more injured from violent brutality against the Cajamarcan citizens. Father Marco Arana, cofounder of GRUFIDES in … Continue reading Violence over Newmont’s gold-mining


Go to Guatemala with DJPC!

Denver Justice & Peace Committee Mining Delegation to Guatemala In Guatemala, hundreds of mining concessions have been granted to transnational gold, silver, nickel, and zinc companies, threatening the social and environmental health of rural populations. Delegation participants will visit the municipalities of Sipakapa and San Miguel Ixtahuacan in the department of San Marcos as well … Continue reading Go to Guatemala with DJPC!
