January 19 – Salon Discussion on Gold-mining

DJPC’s 2012 Salon Discussion Series

Join DJPC’s MineWatch group

for a presentation and informal discussion


“Human Rights and Gold-mining

in Latin America”

(Photo of march against Newmont Mining Corp.’s Conga gold mining project

in Cajamarca, Peru)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

7:00 – 9:00 PM

at Highlands United Methodist Church

2nd floor Community Hall

3131 Osceola Street

Northwest Denver

303-623-1463 – [email protected]

Free parking in church lot at 32nd & Osceola and on street.

Denver Justice and Peace Committee (DJPC) is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting human rights, economic justice, and lasting peace in Latin America through education, solidarity projects, and nonviolent activism.

Flier attached here: Jan_flier


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