Feministas nicaragüenses comparten sus experiencias y perspectivas sobre la dictadura en su país

Feministas nicaragüenses comparten sus experiencias y perspectivas sobre la dictadura en su país  Kathy Bougher, Colaboradora con Denver Justice and Peace Committee  (DJPC) Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de hablar con un grupo de feministas nicaragüenses defensoras de derechos humanos, algunas de las cuales viven en su país y otras que han tenido que huir del … Continue reading Feministas nicaragüenses comparten sus experiencias y perspectivas sobre la dictadura en su país


Organizaciones en EE.UU. alertan sobre violaciones a derechos humanos en El Salvador y potencial aumento en la migración, resultantes del régimen de excepción

Más de 65 grupos, con sede en EE.UU., emiten un comunicado conjunto expresando “profunda preocupación” por el Estado de Excepción del gobierno de Bukele Más de 12.000 personas han sido detenidas en El Salvador desde que el gobierno de Bukele declaró el Estado de Excepción el 27 de marzo. En nombre de la represión a … Continue reading Organizaciones en EE.UU. alertan sobre violaciones a derechos humanos en El Salvador y potencial aumento en la migración, resultantes del régimen de excepción


Widespread Arbitrary Arrests and Violations of Due Process In El Salvador Raise Concerns About Human Rights and Ongoing U.S. Security Cooperation

U.S.-based groups release joint statement expressing “profound concern” about the Bukele administration’s State of Exception   Over 12,000 people have been arrested in El Salvador since the Bukele administration declared a State of Exception on March 27th. In the name of cracking down on gangs following a wave of deadly violence, the State of Exception … Continue reading Widespread Arbitrary Arrests and Violations of Due Process In El Salvador Raise Concerns About Human Rights and Ongoing U.S. Security Cooperation


Sabotaging Sanctuary: How Data Brokers Give ICE Backdoor Access to Colorado’s Data and Jails

For years community members have raised concerns about how our personal information falls into the hands of Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) — including when sanctuary policies are present. It has been confirmed that ICE uses technology to circumvent policies meant to limit their cooperation with local law enforcement. By contracting with data brokers, the … Continue reading Sabotaging Sanctuary: How Data Brokers Give ICE Backdoor Access to Colorado’s Data and Jails


Inmigrantes de Colorado hacen preguntas contundentes a los senadores sobre ciudadanía, Build Back Better y aumentos presupuestarios controversiales

NOTA DE PRENSA 16 de Marzo, 2022 CONTACTO Jennifer Piper, [email protected] 720-301-1858 Alex Ogle, [email protected] 720-256-1746 Inmigrantes de Colorado hacen preguntas contundentes a los senadores sobre ciudadanía, Build Back Better y aumentos presupuestarios controversiales Denver, CO -Líderes religiosos, defensores y miembros de la comunidad inmigrante se unieron al Senador Hickenlooper y al Senador Bennet para … Continue reading Inmigrantes de Colorado hacen preguntas contundentes a los senadores sobre ciudadanía, Build Back Better y aumentos presupuestarios controversiales


Colorado Immigrants Ask Hard Hitting Questions To Senators About Citizenship, Build Back Better, and Controversial Budget Increases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 16, 2022 Seguido en español CONTACT Jennifer Piper, [email protected] 720-301-1858 Alex Ogle, [email protected] 720-256-1746 Colorado Immigrants Ask Hard Hitting Questions To Senators About Citizenship, Build Back Better, and Controversial Budget Increases Denver, CO – Faith leaders, advocates, and immigrant community members joined with Senator Hickenlooper and Senator Bennet for a public … Continue reading Colorado Immigrants Ask Hard Hitting Questions To Senators About Citizenship, Build Back Better, and Controversial Budget Increases


Today, 117 organizations are calling on President Joe Biden to pardon Steven Donziger — and we’re among them.

“Dear President Biden, We write to you with great concern regarding the situation of Steven Donziger…” We are one of over 100 organizations who called on President Joe Biden today to pardon Steven Donziger, a human rights attorney working to hold Chevron accountable for its toxic pollution in the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador, who has … Continue reading Today, 117 organizations are calling on President Joe Biden to pardon Steven Donziger — and we’re among them.


Social Justice Organizations To Host Town Hall with Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper  on a moral budget and citizenship

MEDIA ADVISORY   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  March 11, 2022   CONTACT  Jennifer Piper, [email protected] 720-301-1858  Alex Ogle, [email protected] 720-256-1746  Social Justice Organizations To Host Town Hall with Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper  on a moral budget and citizenship    [2022, March 22] — Policymakers, faith and immigrant leaders will join the public on March 14 to discuss their support … Continue reading Social Justice Organizations To Host Town Hall with Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper  on a moral budget and citizenship


On International Women’s Day we honor all whom have lead the way.

Photo caption: As long as we have capitalism, this planet will not be saved because it is contrary to life, to ecology, to human beings and to women. International Women’s Day commemorates the social, political and economic achievements of women. International Women’s Day was first celebrated in March 1911 in Europe, and has since been … Continue reading On International Women’s Day we honor all whom have lead the way.


Invitation to Town Hall with Senator Bennet on citizenship

      We’re excited to be co-leading a Virtual Town Hall on citizenship and investing in our shared safety net with Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper on March 14 from 4:30pm to 6pm MT, alongside many other social justice groups. This town hall will be led by immigrant speakers and their families and supported by … Continue reading Invitation to Town Hall with Senator Bennet on citizenship
