2022 New Year’s Message

Welcome to 2022! Our vision at DJPC is to emphasize people-to-people solidarity between the amazing people of Colorado, the rest of this country, like you, and the amazing people of Latin America. We thank you for your ongoing support and for allowing us to make connections with the movements challenging US imperialism here and there. … Continue reading 2022 New Year’s Message


CIPR Author Series with Todd Miller. November 4th 2021.

Dear friends: You are invited to a talk with Todd Miller, journalist, writer, and researcher, on his new book “Build Bridges, Not Walls: A Journey to a World Without Borders”. In this inspiring call to action, Miller begs the critical questions: Is it possible to create a borderless world? How might it be better equipped … Continue reading CIPR Author Series with Todd Miller. November 4th 2021.


Join us for Awards Night 2021 on October 21st at 6:00 p.m.

Next Thursday, October 21 at 6:00 p.m, we will  celebrate our Virtual Annual Awards Night. During the event, we will present our annual Global Justice and Peace Award to Sônia Guajajara. She is known worldwide for her fierce and bold activism and for defending indigenous and environmental rights in the face of pressure from some … Continue reading Join us for Awards Night 2021 on October 21st at 6:00 p.m.


Invitación: Noche de Premios a la Justicia y la Paz Global 2021: Jueves 21 de Octubre a las 18:00 horas.

El próximo jueves 21 de octubre, a las 18:00 horas, celebraremos nuestra de manera virtual nuestra Noche de Premios. Durante el evento, entregaremos nuestro premio anual a la Justicia y Paz Global a Sônia Guajajara. Conocida en todo el mundo por su feroz y audaz activismo y por defender los derechos indígenas y medioambientales frente … Continue reading Invitación: Noche de Premios a la Justicia y la Paz Global 2021: Jueves 21 de Octubre a las 18:00 horas.


Convite: Noite de Premiação pela Justiça e Paz Globais 2021. Quinta-feira, 21 de outubro, às 18:00.

Na próxima quinta-feira, 21 de outubro, às 18:00, o Comite de Justiça e Paz de Denver celebrará sua noite de celebração e premios (de maneira virtual). Esse ano entregraremos nosso Prêmio Anual pela Justiça e Paz Global a Sônia Guajajara. Conhecida em todo o mundo por seu ativismo corajoso e ousado na defesa dos direitos indígenas … Continue reading Convite: Noite de Premiação pela Justiça e Paz Globais 2021. Quinta-feira, 21 de outubro, às 18:00.


The Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) in North America congratulates the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH) and its Coordinator Miriam Miranda.

*El español sigue después del inglés For Immediate Release October 12, 2021  Contact: Victoria Cervantes (514) 606-1153,  Karen Spring 504-9584-8572(whatsapp). The Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) in North America congratulates the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH) and its Coordinator Miriam Miranda as they receive the 45th Annual Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Award from the Institute for … Continue reading The Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) in North America congratulates the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH) and its Coordinator Miriam Miranda.


Melissa Nix will be running the Colfax half marathon on Saturday to connect struggles.

“I usually just run the 13.1 miles, no preparation, no training, and it’s an event. This time I am doing it differently, committing to my own self-care, my own transformation, and aiming to connect my own struggle with the struggle for justice, in some small way, learning more about myself, the people and issues DJPC … Continue reading Melissa Nix will be running the Colfax half marathon on Saturday to connect struggles.


You are invited to our 2021 Virtual Annual Global Justice and Peace Awards Night.

Join us on Thursday, October 21 at 6:00 p.m, for our Annual Awards Night. This year we will continue celebrating in a virtual platform. During the event, we will present our annual Global Justice and Peace Award to Sônia Guajajara, defender of the indigenous peoples of Brazil, born in the indigenous land Arariboia, of the … Continue reading You are invited to our 2021 Virtual Annual Global Justice and Peace Awards Night.


Honduras Human Rights Bills Campaign

          During DJPC’s planning session in January 2021, we made a commitment to focus on two issues: environmental justice and immigration. Throughout the year, we have emphasized advocacy and education efforts related to these two issues, and we have been busy! One of our efforts is to develop and carry out … Continue reading Honduras Human Rights Bills Campaign


We stand by the right of the Cuban people to self-determination and freedom from U.S. political, economic, and military intervention.

In recent weeks, the Cuban people have taken to the streets in unprecedented numbers to protest the current political and economic conditions in Cuba. The protestors were met with similar numbers of counter protesters who focused blame on U.S. sanctions against trade with Cuba. Most of the protesters have been younger people, while counter protesters … Continue reading We stand by the right of the Cuban people to self-determination and freedom from U.S. political, economic, and military intervention.
