In Loving Memory of Eileen McCarthy Arnolds and Richard Kruch. By Kara Martinez

In Loving Memory of Eileen McCarthy Arnolds and Richard Kruch

By Kara Martinez

Tonight, as we gather together for Awards Night, we remember compañero Richard Kruch, known affectionately as “Kruch” and compañera Eileen McCarthy Arnolds. Both were long-time board members, contributors, and volunteers that held this organization and the people that make it possible close to their hearts. And they were very dear to us as part of the extended Denver Justice and Peace Committee family. Eileen passed away in January and Kruch in May of this year.

Eileen, the compassionate diplomat, lit up this community with her presence. She was a master listener, always interested in hearing what others had to say before offering a point of clarity and insight. She and her husband Dave proved a positive force in the lives of countless individuals through their generous and enduring support to this organization and numerous others. Truly kind to the core, a beautiful soul, Eileen championed those who sought to make a better world and did so with grace and dignity.


Kruch, the enthusiastic doer, formed the centrifugal force behind Build for Peace, our annual fundraiser, and rallied volunteers to move the organization forward. Kruch was deeply philosophical and a spiritual seeker. A long time peace activist, his enthusiasm and that of his wife Joy, was matched only by their big hearts for humanity. Kruch took DJPC’s causes very seriously, but he also knew how to lighten the mood with a silly pun or a word of encouragement. His contributions are legion over twenty-seven years as a DJPC board member.

Both Kruch and Eileen nurtured a deep connection to Latin America. To walk in solidarity with communities facing injustice was an integral part of their lives. And we needed them, too. The gifts of their time, talent, and dedication helped guide the organization through difficult periods as well as thriving times; such are the seasons. They helped carry the light and the world seems ever less bright without them here. The depth of our gratitude to both of them is immense.

Eileen and Kruch form vibrant threads in the tapestry that is the legacy of DJPC. A tapestry that I, you, we, are woven into as well. We honor Eileen and Kruch by maintaining a steady hand on the loom—for this tapestry is not yet complete and DJPC’s work is far from finished. Our threads interlink with one another through the ages—to friends who came before and friends we have yet to meet—as we continue DJPC’s mission of creating a more just world, resplendent in all its beautiful colors.


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