Salon Discussion on Guatemala Today

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our invited presenter from Guatemala, Pascual Bernabé Velásquez, will not arrive for this Thursday’s Salon Discussion Series.  Consequently, we will have the following program for this month’s Salon.  Our apologies for any inconveniences. DJPC 2012 SALON DISCUSSION SERIES PRESENTS GUATEMALA TODAY: a roundtable discussion We’ll hear from each other about: – … Continue reading Salon Discussion on Guatemala Today


Salon Discussion Series on Mining & Indigenous Rights

DJPC 2012 SALON DISCUSSION SERIES PRESENTS MINING & INDIGENOUS RIGHTS IN HUEHUETENANGO, GUATEMALA by Pascual Bernabé Velásquez Pascual Bernabé Velásquez, a Q’anjob’al Mayan, is a city council member of San Juan Ixcoy and a representative of the Departmental Assembly of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. This Assembly has sought to make Huehuetenango a “Mining-Free Territory” and now struggles … Continue reading Salon Discussion Series on Mining & Indigenous Rights


DJPC needs your support!

Dear friend, How do you stop a gold mine from destroying your community?  That’s what the people of Cajamarca, Peru, are trying to do. And they are asking us to help them. Why you and me? Because we are in the United States, and the gold-mining company in question is from Denver, Colorado! That’s right.  … Continue reading DJPC needs your support!


DJPC Salon Discussion on El Salvador

DJPC’s 2012 Salon Discussion Series *** “All Eyes on El Salvador” *** with DJPC members, Carol and Bob Rose, CIS Election Observers at the Municipal & Legislative Assembly Elections in March and also “watching” El Dorado gold mine in El Salvador Thursday, April 19, 2012 7:00 – 9:00 PM *** at Highlands United Methodist Church … Continue reading DJPC Salon Discussion on El Salvador


End Human Rights Abuse Committed by Newmont Mining Corp.

We, the undersigned citizens of Colorado, respectfully petition Newmont Mining Corporation, to review its contract with the private security agency known as FORZA at the Yanacocha mine in Cajamarca, Peru; and in light of this review, taking into account the mounting protest by the Peruvian people and the international community against FORZA’s abuse of human … Continue reading End Human Rights Abuse Committed by Newmont Mining Corp.


Feb. 16th Salon on “Peru’s National March for Water”

DJPC’s 2012 Salon Discussion Series Come for an update and informal discussion on “Peru’s National March for Water” with local Peruvians and DJPC MineWatch members Thursday, February 16, 2012 7:00 – 9:00 PM at Highlands United Methodist Church 2nd floor Community Hall 3131 Osceola Street Northwest Denver 303-623-1463 – [email protected] Free parking in church lot … Continue reading Feb. 16th Salon on “Peru’s National March for Water”


Tonight, October 20th Salon: “Reclamation Issues at Guatemala’s Marlin Mine”

Join us as Rob Robinson, leader of the GeoTech team that has been monitoring and researching the cracked houses surrounding the Marlin Mine in Guatemala since 2005 and has researched the issues surrounding the reclamation of the mine, shares a general overview of mining issues, a history of transnational corporations repeating itself in Guatemala, the … Continue reading Tonight, October 20th Salon: “Reclamation Issues at Guatemala’s Marlin Mine”


Peru Congress passes consultation law unanimously

Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:33am GMT – Reuters * Consultation bill passes Congress unanimously * President Humala has 15 days to sign into law * Could prevent social conflicts in rural provinces LIMA Aug 23 (Reuters) – Peru’s Congress unanimously approved a bill on Tuesday that could quell social conflicts in rural provinces by requiring … Continue reading Peru Congress passes consultation law unanimously
