Llamado a nominaciones al Premio a la Justicia y la Paz Global 2023

La mesa directiva del Comité de Justicia y Paz de Denver le invita a enviar su nominación para el premio a la Justicia y la Paz Global 2023. Este premio es otorgado a una persona u organización que hace trabajo ejemplar en solidaridad con los pueblos latinoamericanos. Al enviar su nominación debe incluir (1) una … Continue reading Llamado a nominaciones al Premio a la Justicia y la Paz Global 2023


You are invited to DJPC 43rd Annual Awards Night on Thursday, November 10th, 2022 at 6 pm.

Para leer esta invitación en español siga abajo. Dear community, We are honored to invite you to our 43rd Annual Awards Night Celebration. On Thursday, November 10, from 6-8pm, we will have the honor to hear directly from representatives of the Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH) a leading voice in Honduras for the self-determination and … Continue reading You are invited to DJPC 43rd Annual Awards Night on Thursday, November 10th, 2022 at 6 pm.


Call for Volunteers. Build for Peace 2022

Build for Peace is an excellent opportunity for you to get out into the Denver community, contribute to a meaningful project and help DJPC in the process. It is also a great way to meet other DJPC allies and volunteers! Build for Peace (B4P) is a day of service for a community organization. Every year … Continue reading Call for Volunteers. Build for Peace 2022


Honduras Solidarity Webinar Series (March 15 – April 5)

March 2, 2016 – Lenca Indigenous environmental defender Berta Cáceres was assassinated for standing in the way of a hydroelectric dam project. Six years later, those who defend land, air, and water are still repressed with state-sanctioned murders, disappearances, and illegal detention of activist leaders. Due to the work of activists on the ground in … Continue reading Honduras Solidarity Webinar Series (March 15 – April 5)


Webinar: Honduras: Water and Land Defenders and U.S. Policy. Monday, March 7th at 5 pm.

Dear friends, Today marks the sixth anniversary of the assassination of Berta Cáceres for her opposition to a U.S.-backed hydroelectric project in Honduras. Three of those convicted of her murder received military training in the U.S., including at the School of the Americas and West Point. In honor of Berta and her legacy, we invite … Continue reading Webinar: Honduras: Water and Land Defenders and U.S. Policy. Monday, March 7th at 5 pm.


Planning Meeting 2022: February 5th at 10 a.m.

As we welcome another year of transnational organizing, our actions walk in solidarity with popular movements across Latin America. The DJPC team would like you to join us in our next planning meeting that will be held via zoom on Saturday, February 5th starting at 10:00 a.m. You know how important it is for us … Continue reading Planning Meeting 2022: February 5th at 10 a.m.


2022 New Year’s Message

Welcome to 2022! Our vision at DJPC is to emphasize people-to-people solidarity between the amazing people of Colorado, the rest of this country, like you, and the amazing people of Latin America. We thank you for your ongoing support and for allowing us to make connections with the movements challenging US imperialism here and there. … Continue reading 2022 New Year’s Message


Join us for Awards Night 2021 on October 21st at 6:00 p.m.

Next Thursday, October 21 at 6:00 p.m, we will  celebrate our Virtual Annual Awards Night. During the event, we will present our annual Global Justice and Peace Award to Sônia Guajajara. She is known worldwide for her fierce and bold activism and for defending indigenous and environmental rights in the face of pressure from some … Continue reading Join us for Awards Night 2021 on October 21st at 6:00 p.m.


Invitación: Noche de Premios a la Justicia y la Paz Global 2021: Jueves 21 de Octubre a las 18:00 horas.

El próximo jueves 21 de octubre, a las 18:00 horas, celebraremos nuestra de manera virtual nuestra Noche de Premios. Durante el evento, entregaremos nuestro premio anual a la Justicia y Paz Global a Sônia Guajajara. Conocida en todo el mundo por su feroz y audaz activismo y por defender los derechos indígenas y medioambientales frente … Continue reading Invitación: Noche de Premios a la Justicia y la Paz Global 2021: Jueves 21 de Octubre a las 18:00 horas.


Convite: Noite de Premiação pela Justiça e Paz Globais 2021. Quinta-feira, 21 de outubro, às 18:00.

Na próxima quinta-feira, 21 de outubro, às 18:00, o Comite de Justiça e Paz de Denver celebrará sua noite de celebração e premios (de maneira virtual). Esse ano entregraremos nosso Prêmio Anual pela Justiça e Paz Global a Sônia Guajajara. Conhecida em todo o mundo por seu ativismo corajoso e ousado na defesa dos direitos indígenas … Continue reading Convite: Noite de Premiação pela Justiça e Paz Globais 2021. Quinta-feira, 21 de outubro, às 18:00.
