Planning Meeting 2022: February 5th at 10 a.m.

As we welcome another year of transnational organizing, our actions walk in solidarity with popular movements across Latin America.

The DJPC team would like you to join us in our next planning meeting that will be held via zoom on Saturday, February 5th starting at 10:00 a.m. You know how important it is for us to hear from to direct our work.

Here is DJPC Annual Planning Meeting 2022 DRAFT AGENDA so you can get an idea of the areas we are expecting to cover. We would also encourage you to send us some feedback using the survey we have put together, you can always send us feedback and suggestions to [email protected] or call us at 303-623-1463.

Let us march together, in new ways, showing how solidarity and movement-building is always the way forward.

¡La lucha continúa!

The DJPC team.

DJPC Annual Planning Meeting 2022 DRAFT AGENDA


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