DJPC has converted it’s group to a page–the only thing we can’t convert is our membership! For updates on peace and justice issues throughout Latin America, “like” our page at
DJPC Build For Peace This Saturday!
It’s time for the Denver Justice and Peace Committee’s Biannual Build for Peace! Build for Peace is a work-a-thon (like a walk-a-thon or a marathon!). DJPC members who will be working as “builders” need your pledge of support for their work on October 15th. This year our “builders” will be painting and restoring a home … Continue reading DJPC Build For Peace This Saturday!
DJPC Wish List for 2011
At the beginning of this new year, DJPC has a few items on its Wish List already–in case you can help or donate: * a tall floor lamp (for the new office) * a desk top lamp (for the new office) * a hot/cold thermos for 20 cups or more (for Salons, meetings, potlucks) * … Continue reading DJPC Wish List for 2011
DJPC Holiday Potluck
On Friday, December 17th, DJPC held it’s quarterly potluck social–this time a Holiday Party! The food and decorations were great! But the company and sing-a-long were the best! For those who missed the fun, here are the lyrics of two songs we sang to keep us in the Holiday Solidarity spirit: LET US GO (to … Continue reading DJPC Holiday Potluck
Happy Holidays
May Salon- Working Toward Fair Trade
The 2010 Salon Discussion Series invites you to join us for a presentation that explores ways to develop just trade policies and fair trade opportunities as the means to counter the effects of globalization and neoliberal economic policies. Catherine Raveczky, one of the authors of DJPC’s Global Solutions to Violence curriculum, will facilitate the evening’s … Continue reading May Salon- Working Toward Fair Trade
Tesorito Power Point Presentation
DJPC’s Position on Immigration
In light of upcoming legislation for comprehensive Immigration Reform, here is DJPC’s official position on Immigration, written by our Advocacy & Nonviolent Activism committee, and approved by DJPC’s Board of Directors: DJPC’s Position on Immigration: DJPC’s work for human rights, economic justice and lasting peace for Latin America affords a unique position from which to … Continue reading DJPC’s Position on Immigration