Conversation with Salvadorian Poet, Susana Reyes.

“Despierta mi Bien Despierta” A conversation with Susana Reyes. Join us as we continue celebrating Women’s History Month. Discover how the independent editorial movement in Central America intrinsically connects to the feminist movement and women’s activism. Our guest Susana Reyes, poet, editor at Índole Editores and director of Ojo de Cuervo publishing house, will speak … Continue reading Conversation with Salvadorian Poet, Susana Reyes.


Empowering Teach-In on International Women’s Day Addresses Impact of Tax Dollars on Gaza Genocide

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 4, 2024 Media Contact: Melissa Garriga [email protected] | 228-990-4168 Empowering Teach-In on International Women’s Day Addresses Impact of Tax Dollars on Gaza Genocide Denver, CO – On International Women’s Day, March 8th, several peace and justice organizations, including CODEPINK Denver/Boulder, Denver Justice and Peace Committee, Jewish Voice for Peace, Colorado for … Continue reading Empowering Teach-In on International Women’s Day Addresses Impact of Tax Dollars on Gaza Genocide


“IWD 2024 Teach-In: The Math of Murder: Examining the Impact on Palestinian Women and Children”. DJPC in collaboration with CODEPINK Denver/Boulder, Jewish Voices for Peace, Colorado for Palestine Coalition and Denver Peace Council invite you for a teach in on how our tax dollars are complicit in committing genocide in Gaza, the impact on Palestinian … Continue reading


Join us to plan the year ahead as we approach our 45th anniversary ?

Comunidad: We want to extend our deepest gratitude for your incredible support throughout 2023. ¡Muchas Gracias! This year we will be turning 45 years! ? We will continue fostering people to people solidarity, denouncing injustices and building movement through the Americas. You make our work possible, and you have a say on what to prioritize. … Continue reading Join us to plan the year ahead as we approach our 45th anniversary ?


In Loving Memory of Eileen McCarthy Arnolds and Richard Kruch. By Kara Martinez

In Loving Memory of Eileen McCarthy Arnolds and Richard Kruch By Kara Martinez Tonight, as we gather together for Awards Night, we remember compañero Richard Kruch, known affectionately as “Kruch” and compañera Eileen McCarthy Arnolds. Both were long-time board members, contributors, and volunteers that held this organization and the people that make it possible close … Continue reading In Loving Memory of Eileen McCarthy Arnolds and Richard Kruch. By Kara Martinez


2023 Global Justice and Peace Awards Night honoring Departmental Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango – ADH in Guatemala & Melissa Nix.

Dear community, We are honored to invite you to our 44th Annual Awards Night Celebration. On Thursday, November 9th, from 6-8pm, we will honor the Departmental Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango – ADH with the Global Justice and Peace Award. The celebration will take place at Project Worthmore 1666 Elmira Street, Aurora CO 80010. … Continue reading 2023 Global Justice and Peace Awards Night honoring Departmental Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango – ADH in Guatemala & Melissa Nix.


Invitación Noche de Premios 2023, 9 de noviembre a las 6 pm

Estimada comunidad, Tenemos el honor de invitarle a nuestra 44ª Celebración Anual de Premiaciones. El jueves 9 de noviembre, de 6 a 8 p.m., honraremos a la Asamblea Departamental de los Pueblos de Huehuetenango – ADH con el premio a la Justicia y la Paz Global. Reserva tu espacio aquí ADH, ha trabajado por más … Continue reading Invitación Noche de Premios 2023, 9 de noviembre a las 6 pm


Save the Date: Awards Night 2023

The board of directors of DJPC is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2023 Global Justice and Peace Award. The Departmental Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango – ADH, has been selected for their work, over 17 years, in defense of the lands, water, life and human rights of the Q’anjob’al, Chuj, Akateko, Popti … Continue reading Save the Date: Awards Night 2023


Call for Nominations for the 2023 Global Justice and Peace Award

The Denver Justice and Peace Committee board of directors invites you to send nominations for the Global Justice and Peace Award. The recipient should be a person or an organization doing exemplary work, in solidarity with the people of Latin America. Nominations should include: (1) A description of why the individual or group should be … Continue reading Call for Nominations for the 2023 Global Justice and Peace Award


Llamado a nominaciones al Premio a la Justicia y la Paz Global 2023

La mesa directiva del Comité de Justicia y Paz de Denver le invita a enviar su nominación para el premio a la Justicia y la Paz Global 2023. Este premio es otorgado a una persona u organización que hace trabajo ejemplar en solidaridad con los pueblos latinoamericanos. Al enviar su nominación debe incluir (1) una … Continue reading Llamado a nominaciones al Premio a la Justicia y la Paz Global 2023
