We stand by the right of the Cuban people to self-determination and freedom from U.S. political, economic, and military intervention.

In recent weeks, the Cuban people have taken to the streets in unprecedented numbers to protest the current political and economic conditions in Cuba. The protestors were met with similar numbers of counter protesters who focused blame on U.S. sanctions against trade with Cuba. Most of the protesters have been younger people, while counter protesters … Continue reading We stand by the right of the Cuban people to self-determination and freedom from U.S. political, economic, and military intervention.


A Call to Suspend Military Aid to Honduras. By Lynn Holland.

On June 14, our Bord Chair, Lynn Holland,  published a Letter to the Editor in Denver University paper Clarion. LTTE: A Call to Suspend Military Aid to Honduras As many are aware, Hondurans continue to arrive at the U.S. border to seek shelter much as they did during the Trump administration. Their desperate stories are … Continue reading A Call to Suspend Military Aid to Honduras. By Lynn Holland.


Statement on Vice President Kamala Harris Visit to Guatemala

On her recent visit to Guatemala, Vice President Kamala Harris sent a message to those who are thinking about migrating to the US: “Do not come,” she said firmly. What the vice president and Biden administration do not acknowledge is that for many in the Northern Triangle Countries (NTC) – Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador … Continue reading Statement on Vice President Kamala Harris Visit to Guatemala


Phone Zap on Honduras Human Rights Bills. Wednesday, May 12 at noon.

Five years after the assassination of Berta Cáceres, an indigenous Honduran environmental and human rights activist, the Berta Cáceres Human Rights Act (H.R. 1574) was reintroduced into the US House of Representatives. Three out of the eight people who were arrested for her assassination in March 2016 were US-trained forces; two were trained at the infamous … Continue reading Phone Zap on Honduras Human Rights Bills. Wednesday, May 12 at noon.


Human Rights and Anti Corruption Bills in Honduras Teach-In. May 6th at 6:00 pm.

Vea abajo en Español You are invited to a teach-in on legislative activism. Thursday, May 6th at 6:00pm. Professor Dana Frank will share with us the history behind three bills on Honduras and how to advocate for them. You will also hear from Hondurans living in Colorado in the Lucha para Honduras Libre organization. This … Continue reading Human Rights and Anti Corruption Bills in Honduras Teach-In. May 6th at 6:00 pm.


Forum: Asylum-Seekers and Migration at the U.S.-Mexico Border. A conversation with Kathy Bougher. April 15th, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Join us for our next forum: Asylum-Seekers and Migration at the U.S.-Mexico Border. A conversation with Kathy Bougher. This will be a conversation based on Kathy’s recent visit to the border. She will address “metering” the Migrant Protection Protocol – MPP (“Remain in Mexico”) and Title 42. Thursday, April 15th at 6 pm MST. You … Continue reading Forum: Asylum-Seekers and Migration at the U.S.-Mexico Border. A conversation with Kathy Bougher. April 15th, 2021 at 6:00 pm.


Forum: The Amazon Rainforest – What´s at Stake and What You Can Do. March 3rd, 2021 at 2:00 PM.

The Amazon rainforest is one of the most important ecosystems in the world. Housing Earth’s greatest biodiversity and home to hundreds of traditional indigenous peoples, the Amazon faces an unprecedented level of threats, particularly from neoliberal policies being pushed by the authoritarian government in Brazil and elsewhere. This conversation will help us make sense of … Continue reading Forum: The Amazon Rainforest – What´s at Stake and What You Can Do. March 3rd, 2021 at 2:00 PM.


January 18th, 2021 we continue to celebrate the legacy of of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Join the virtual commemorations.

Today we join, in a virtual way, the movement that celebrates the legacy of nonviolent civil disobedience of Martin Luther King Jr. Go to this links to follow the events that are happening in Denver, Colorado. http://www.drmartinlkingjrchc.org/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTEhY5OPw_xjgnKEHC7gsBQ The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice Massachusetts invites us to join a day-long, virtual gathering that … Continue reading January 18th, 2021 we continue to celebrate the legacy of of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Join the virtual commemorations.


Statement condemning fascist violence in Washington, DC, on January 6th 2021.

DJPC condemns the fascist violence in Washington, DC, spurred to action by the xenophobic and racist outgoing president, Donald Trump. He cultivated the mob when he failed to condemn their Charleston violence in 2017; he emboldened the mob by telling them to stand-down and stand-by in 2020; yesterday, he called on his mob to march … Continue reading Statement condemning fascist violence in Washington, DC, on January 6th 2021.


Implications of the US Election on Latin America

                  An Interview with Lynn Holland and Rafael Ioris, conducted by Amy Czulada Amy: What is to be expected of US foreign policy to Latin America on a second Trump administration and a Biden one? RI: Sadly, with few exceptions, US foreign policies towards Latin America have … Continue reading Implications of the US Election on Latin America
