
Salon Discussion Series by Tarun Gudz

DJPC’s 2012 Salon Discussion Series “We celebrate each victory with our Guatemalan brothers and sisters,   mourn the losses, and always remind ourselves that the fight will continue.” Tarun Gudz Join CAMINOS’ most recent accompanier, Tarun Gudz, as she tells the compelling story of human rights struggles and victories in Guatemala… Paxia Restaurant 40th Ave. and … Continue reading Salon Discussion Series by Tarun Gudz


Salon Discussion on Guatemala Today

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our invited presenter from Guatemala, Pascual Bernabé Velásquez, will not arrive for this Thursday’s Salon Discussion Series.  Consequently, we will have the following program for this month’s Salon.  Our apologies for any inconveniences. DJPC 2012 SALON DISCUSSION SERIES PRESENTS GUATEMALA TODAY: a roundtable discussion We’ll hear from each other about: – … Continue reading Salon Discussion on Guatemala Today


Join the “Build-for-Peace” team!

DJPC BUILD FOR PEACE WORKATHON Dear friends of Justice and Peace: We are excited to invite you to join the Denver Justice & Peace Committee in our annual Fall Build for Peace fundraiser and community service project. The date is set for Saturday, October 13, from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM. We will be working … Continue reading Join the “Build-for-Peace” team!


Salon Discussion Series on Mining & Indigenous Rights

DJPC 2012 SALON DISCUSSION SERIES PRESENTS MINING & INDIGENOUS RIGHTS IN HUEHUETENANGO, GUATEMALA by Pascual Bernabé Velásquez Pascual Bernabé Velásquez, a Q’anjob’al Mayan, is a city council member of San Juan Ixcoy and a representative of the Departmental Assembly of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. This Assembly has sought to make Huehuetenango a “Mining-Free Territory” and now struggles … Continue reading Salon Discussion Series on Mining & Indigenous Rights


Summer Potluck Social

DJPC’s SUMMER POTLUCK SOCIAL Friday, July 27, 2012 6:30 – 8:30 PM at DJPC at Highland’s United Methodist Church 3131 Osceola, Denver CO 80212 *************** · Bring a dish to share with DJPC friends! DJPC members love food and always bring great dishes! (In a nice cool church basement hall, too!) · Bring a friend … Continue reading Summer Potluck Social


Violence over Newmont’s gold-mining

The on-going, non-violent demonstrations by thousands of citizens against Newmont’s proposed extension of its gold-mining in Cajamarca, Peru, have resulted in police violence against the protesters.  At least five have died from the police firing live ammunition, and dozens more injured from violent brutality against the Cajamarcan citizens. Father Marco Arana, cofounder of GRUFIDES in … Continue reading Violence over Newmont’s gold-mining


DJPC Salon on Tz’utujil Mayans of Guatemala

DJPC SALON DISCUSSION SERIES PRESENTS LIVING IN A TZ’UTUJIL MAYA COMMUNITY by Tommy Timm Tommy Timm is active with DJPC’s Caminos group and a member of DJPC’s Board. He recently spent 5 months living with the Tz’utujil Maya in Santiago Atítlan, Guatemala. Come to learn about the Mayan people’s history, culture and spiritual practices. Find … Continue reading DJPC Salon on Tz’utujil Mayans of Guatemala


Living in a Tz’utujil Maya Community in 2012

June 15, 2012 Dear advocates of world justice, There is a taste of harmony, unity and justice in the air……something we have dreamed about, worked to achieve, and, at some level of our being, never believed could be possible. Mystics are expressing it. Psychics are channeling it. Ancient Mayans predicted it. And now, we also … Continue reading Living in a Tz’utujil Maya Community in 2012


June 21 Salon presentation: GRANITO

DJPC’s 2012 Salon Discussion Series presents: GRANITO:  How to Nail a Dictator a documentary film by Pamela Yates Guatemala’s genocide in the past comes to light in the present. The quest of many witnesses to bring a malevolent dictator to justice. Thursday, June 21, 2012 Starts on time at 7:00 PM English version, runs 1 … Continue reading June 21 Salon presentation: GRANITO
