* Wishing you PEACE from Denver… Denver Skyline by Dylan Mark …this season and throughout the New Year! DENVER JUSTICE & PEACE COMMITTEE * Denver Justice & Peace Committee P.O. Box 12403 Denver, Colorado 80212 USA Tel. 303-623-1463 www.denjustpeace.org Facebook – Twitter
DJPC’s Wish List
WISH LIST FOR NEXT YEAR: As DJPC looks ahead to next year, we already know that there will be many needs and expenses to face. If you are able to help, here is a list of some of DJPC’s needs: – desk-top photocopier (it died today 🙁 – blank Note Cards – digital camera … Continue reading DJPC’s Wish List
Annual Awards Night 2013
“Climate Courage” DJPC Salon Jan. 16th
MineWatch Action: Leafleting on 16th Street Mall
DJPC Holiday Party
DJPC HOLIDAY PARTY Friday, December 13, 2013 6:30 – 9:00 PM at DJPC in Highlands United Methodist Church 3131 Osceola, Denver CO ************************** * Bring a dish to share with your DJPC friends! * Bring a friend to share with your DJPC friends! * Join in the holiday sing-along! * Hear brief updates … Continue reading DJPC Holiday Party
Please take immediate action on Fast Track! Greetings! Please call your Representative by noon on Wednesday to oppose Fast Track trade authority as the first step in opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement (TPP). DJPC is part of a national coalition concentrating its efforts on Democratic members of the House. (A quick primer on … Continue reading URGENT ACTION ALERT!