“Like” DJPC on Facebook!

THERE MIGHT NOT BE ANY JUSTICE… NOR PEACE… WITHOUT YOU! Stay active with the Denver Justice & Peace Committee! “LIKE” DJPC’s Facebook page to stay connected: DJPC Facebook link The folks in Latin America are counting on YOUR help! Denver Justice & Peace Committee P.O. Box 12403 Denver, Colorado 80212 USA Tel. 303-623-1463 www.denjustpeace.org — … Continue reading “Like” DJPC on Facebook!


Thanks for the Holiday Potluck!

Thanks to all who helped make DJPC’s Holiday Potluck so much fun last Saturday, December 1st. Special thanks to hosts Gabriela, Jim and Lily for welcoming us to their delightful home! And for those who missed the party, great food and good cheer, here are the lyrics to the two holiday songs we sang: WE … Continue reading Thanks for the Holiday Potluck!


DJPC Holiday Potluck Social

DJPC HOLIDAY POTLUCK Saturday, December 1, 2012 6:30 – 9:00 PM at Gabriela, Jim and Lily’s 4969 Quitman Street Northwest Denver Bring your beverage and a dish to share EVERYONE WELCOME! *  See all your DJPC friends! *  Meet some new DJPC members! *  Sing holiday songs with justice and peace lyrics! *  Win the door … Continue reading DJPC Holiday Potluck Social


January Salon- Immigration Detention: When U.S. Foreign Policy Drives People from Their Homes and U.S. Enforcement Policies Drive Them Back

DJPC’s 2011 Salon Discussion Series invites you to join us Thursday, January 20th from 7:00PM-9:00PM at Highlands United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 3131 Osceola Strreet, Denver, to discuss “How immigration detention centers embody the brokenness of our immigration system.” Jennifer Piper of the American Friends Service Committee will share her perspectives and facts on the … Continue reading January Salon- Immigration Detention: When U.S. Foreign Policy Drives People from Their Homes and U.S. Enforcement Policies Drive Them Back


Ending Immigrant Detention

By Tommy Timm When I was in Mexico recently, cab drivers and other service workers would volunteer that they had been in the U.S., often for several years before returning to Mexico.  They would say they had picked corn in Iowa, harvested tobacco in North Carolina, picked blueberries in Maryland, done landscaping in California, worked … Continue reading Ending Immigrant Detention
