March Salon- 2009 DJPC SOA Protesters & Past Participants
The 2010 DJPC Salon Discussion Series invites you to hear experiences from participants in last November’s and previous Fort Benning SOA (School of the Americas) demonstrations to close the school due to their oppressive policies. Learn about current legislation in the U.S. congress and grassroots movements in Latin America to close the U.S. Army school … Continue reading March Salon- 2009 DJPC SOA Protesters & Past Participants
Join DJPC and thousands of others in a RALLY TO SUPPORT COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM at Manuel High School 1700 East 28th Avenue Northeast Denver Wednesday, January 13th, 6:30 – 8:00 PM along with guests: US Senator Michael Bennet, State Senator Michael Johnston, State Representative Joe Miklosi, City Councilmember Doug Linkhart Co-sponsored by: Reform Immigration for … Continue reading RALLY FOR COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM
Build for Peace
DJPC’s annual Build for Peace will take place on two Saturdays this year: October 17 and October 31. Build for Peace is a work-a-thon, similar to walk-a-thons and marathons, to raise money for Denver Justice & Peace Committee’s work in solidarity with the people of Latin America. Volunteers sign up to be “builders” on … Continue reading Build for Peace
Democracy in Honduras Salon October 15, 2009
Democracy in Honduras as been a little shaky since earlier this summer when President Zalaya planned an “unconstitutional” referendum and the Congress forced him into exile in the first military coup since 1972. Join DJPC to discuss the current situation in Honduras, its implications and what we can do to support the return of democracy … Continue reading Democracy in Honduras Salon October 15, 2009
August Salon Series
The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition: Tracing Our Roots and Creating Tools for Action PRESENTER Chandra Russo, Communications Coordinator with the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) August 20, 2009 7:00 – 9:00 P.M. Denver Justice and Peace Committee Courthouse Square Apartments Community Room 901 W. 14th Avenue, Denver RSVP: 303-623-1463 or [email protected] Please park in any … Continue reading August Salon Series
The Future Under Funes
The significance of Mauricio Funes’ election as president of El Salvador on March 15, 2009 cannot be overstated. His victory is not just a break—it is the break—with a history of exclusive rule by conquerors and oligarchs. As a result, the stakes are high for Funes and his party, the FMLN. Funes ran on a … Continue reading The Future Under Funes