December 2019 Dear Friends, This year DJPC celebrated 40 years of resistance! As the newest board member I was drawn to serve in this role due to DJPC’s mission of creating solidarity through education, direct action, travel delegations, and community building. I continue learning and feeling inspired by the community that makes DJPC a reality. … Continue reading A message for Natasha Kerr our newest board member: Wishing you and your loved ones a happy New Year!
DJPC and SOA Watch must exist in order to create the change we want. By Josephine Brady.
DJPC and SOA Watch must exist in order to create the change we want. By Josephine Brady. “The SOA Watch30th Commemoration happened this past weekend (November 16 -18) in Columbus, Georgia, in front of the gates of Fort Benning where the School of the Americas (SOA, now called WHINSEC) still exists and operates today. My … Continue reading DJPC and SOA Watch must exist in order to create the change we want. By Josephine Brady.
2019 Awards Night: Join us celebrate 40 years! October 12th at 6 p.m.
Celebrate with us 40 years of international solidarity! and Awards Night on October 12th at 6pm. Come an learn about the current struggles in Brazil from Jean Wyllys who will be receiving this years Justice and Peace Award. Music by Francisco Marques and his group. Bring a friend, share a dish.
Words Matter: We will continue our efforts to shed the light on the root causes of migration, and work together towards healing and prevention of such incidents in the future.
Words matter. At the DJPC, we are both saddened and disturbed by the recent mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso. In El Paso, the shooter had issued a racist and anti-immigrant manifesto, referring specifically to Hispanic and Latino communities as a threat to the future of the country. In fact, extremist-related killings in the … Continue reading Words Matter: We will continue our efforts to shed the light on the root causes of migration, and work together towards healing and prevention of such incidents in the future.
2018 Annual Report: Executive Summary
May 2nd: A conversation with Father Roy Bourgeois.
Waking up to the Suffering and Oppression of Others. A conversation with Father Roy Bourgeois. Thursday, May 2nd 2019. 6:00-8:00 pm. 1420 Ogden Street, Denver, CO, 80218. Thank you to the AFSC for hosting! Free parking on site, please disregard event parking. This event is free and open to the public. Father Roy Bourgeois earned … Continue reading May 2nd: A conversation with Father Roy Bourgeois.
DJPC Forum: Cuba-USA. Engagement Policy: Trumped!
DJPC Forum: Cuba-USA. Engagement Policy: Trumped! Wednesday, February 13th at 6:00 Highlands United Methodist Church. 3131 Osceola Street. Denver. CO 80212 In March 2016, Peter Kornbluh accompanied President Barack Obama on his history-making trip to Havana–a major step forward in a historic effort to normalize relations between the United States and Cuba. Washington and Havana … Continue reading DJPC Forum: Cuba-USA. Engagement Policy: Trumped!
DJPC calls for an end to aggressive US intervention in Venezuela including an end to economic sanctions.
A few days after being elected president of the National Assembly in Venezuela, Juan Guaidó urged the military to revolt against President Nicolas Maduro and called for a mass demonstration against the government. On January 23, Guaidó declared himself president and received the immediate endorsement of the Trump Administration. President Trump has since stated that all options for resolving the … Continue reading DJPC calls for an end to aggressive US intervention in Venezuela including an end to economic sanctions.
DJPC Forum: The Long Honduran Night with Dana Frank. January 31st at 6:00 pm.
DJPC presents: January 2019 Forum: The Long Honduran Night with Dana Frank. Thursday, January 31st, 2019 6:00 – 8:00 pm 1420 N Ogden St #201, Denver, CO 80218 (Thank you to the American Friends Service Committee for hosting) This powerful narrative recounts the dramatic years in Honduras following the June 2009 military coup that deposed … Continue reading DJPC Forum: The Long Honduran Night with Dana Frank. January 31st at 6:00 pm.
Thank you! Help us continue our solidarity work.
I wanted to send this message to thank you for your support to the Denver Justice and Peace Committee. Many of you attended our November 10th Awards Night, in which we honored the work of ACODET, the Guatemalan indigenous organization fighting to protect community land from megadam projects. Others accompanied us in our journey to … Continue reading Thank you! Help us continue our solidarity work.