Otros Mundos de Chiapas is committed to the search for alternatives to the social, economic, political and environmental crisis that we face in the current system of capitalist domination. In the struggle for the defense of the land, territories, and alternative strategies of development.They work to strengthen the resistance and articulation of the Mesoamerican movement of those affected by dams and mining. An example of their continued effort is their unwavering commitment to the struggle of Berta Caceres and COPINH in Honduras.
Keynote Speaker: Claudia Ramos, Agro-ecologist, that has accompanied struggles in defense of the land and territories against extractive models and the financialization of nature, with focus in themes such as biodiversity, agro-biodiversity, and green economy. She has also accompanied work seeking alter-natives with indigenous communities and peasants in Chiapas, as part of the search for an escape from the current system of capitalist domination.
- When: Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 6:30 – 9:30 pm (Program will start at 7:00 PM)
- Where: DJPC Office at Highlands United Methodist Church, 3131 Osceola Street, Denver, CO 80212. Free parking is available in the church parking lot on the east side or on the street.
- Cost: $20.00 General Admission; $15 Seniors $10.00 Students. Tickets at the door.
- You can’t come in person, Watch Live
- There will be interpretation by the Colorado Language Cooperative.
Este año el receptor del Premio Anual Justicia y Paz Global de DJPC es Otros Mundos de Chiapas. La noche de premiación será el sábado 29 de Octubre del 2016.
Otros Mundos de Chiapas se ha destacado por la búsqueda de alternativas a la crisis social, económica, política y medioambiental que atravesamos en el actual sistema de dominación capitalista.
En su lucha por la defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio y los Alter Natos trabajan para fortalecer la resitencia y el proceso de articulación del movimiento mesoamericano de afectados por las represas y la mineria. Un ejemplo de su continua labor ha sido su compromiso incondicional con la lucha encabezada por Berta Cácers y el COPINH en Honduras.