Colombia and Panama Free Trade Agreements passed by House and Senate

On Wednesday, October 13th, the Colombia and Panama Free Trade Agreements, opposed by the Denver Justice & Peace Committee (DJPC), were passed in both the House and Senate.

Despite corruption and major human rights violations in Colombia and Panama, President Barack Obama said passage of the agreements was “a major win for American workers and businesses… I look forward to signing these agreements.”    

DJPC’s legislators voted as such:

HR 3078  –  Colombia Free Trade  (House passed:  262-167.  Senate passed: 66-33):

Rep. Diane DeGette (D, District 1):       NO

Rep. Jared Polis (D, District 2):            YES

Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D, District 7):       NO

Sen. Michael Bennet (D):                     YES

Sen. Mark Udall (D):                              YES

HR 3079 – Panama Free Trade (House passed:  300-129.  Senate passed: 77-22):

Rep. Diane DeGette (D, District 1):       YES

Rep. Jared Polis (D, District 2):            YES

Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D, District 7):       NO

Sen. Michael Bennet (D):                      YES

Sen. Mark Udall (D):                              YES


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