You are invited to our Annual Awards Night: October 16th @ 6:00 pm

Español abajo Come celebrate with DJPC at our annual Awards Night! We will be honoring the work of COPINH and hosting our silent auction. During the event, we will present our annual Global Justice and Peace Award to the Consejo Cíivico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras – COPINH an Honduran organization founded by … Continue reading You are invited to our Annual Awards Night: October 16th @ 6:00 pm


Thank you Build for Peace volunteers and Sponsors! You help us raise $1,950!

Dear friends: On Saturday, September 19th, 2020. A group of DJPC volunteers donated the equivalent of 40 hours to ReVision in the Westwood neighborhood, harvested tomatoes and did maintenance work. To further our commitment to solidarity with working class, immigrant, Latinx, and grassroots movements. Westwood has one of the largest latinx populations (77%), in Denver, … Continue reading Thank you Build for Peace volunteers and Sponsors! You help us raise $1,950!


We stand united against this attack on civil liberties and the ongoing movement for Black Lives.

The Denver Justice & Peace Committee (DJPC) stands in solidarity with the six racial justice organizers who were arrested on September 17. Over the summer, these organizers sought to hold the Aurora police department accountable for the killing of Elijah McClain by holding marches and demonstrations. Some thirty charges have been made against them, ranging … Continue reading We stand united against this attack on civil liberties and the ongoing movement for Black Lives.


Today: We Stand in Solidarity with the People’s of Chile. Light a candle.

f there were one concept to summarize why the Denver Justice and Peace Committee stands with the people of Chile, that word would be solidarity.  To us solidarity means that when you hurt, I hurt. When you are scared, I am scared. And, when you need back up, I show up.  DJPC has stood in … Continue reading Today: We Stand in Solidarity with the People’s of Chile. Light a candle.


Strength in Diversity, Power in Solidarity

Standing together with frontline communities to confront Newmont Mining By Ellen Moore –  April 16, 2020 Even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, indigenous people across the globe must risk everything to defend their land, water and clean air from harmful mining projects. This Earth Day, we are celebrating one of those fierce … Continue reading Strength in Diversity, Power in Solidarity


Marielle Presente!

Marielle, Presente! By Rafael R. Ioris, March 14, 2020 marks the second anniversary of the brutal murder of Marielle Franco, a Black queer woman who served in Rio de Janeiro’s city council as a leading voice for Black people’s rights, poor people’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and human rights more broadly. Investigations on the … Continue reading Marielle Presente!


Message from our Director on International Women’s Day.

Today, March 8th, we commemorate the sacrifice of a group of women with a great vision. Today we bring them to the forefront of our struggles. We continue to confront the patriarchy that oppresses and kills. In our Americas, femicides, the killing of women just for being women, continues to rise. Enough! We demand respect … Continue reading Message from our Director on International Women’s Day.


MAXIMA screening at the Boulder International Film Festival. Friday, March 6th at 2:45 pm

We are pleased to be co-sponsoring the screening of MAXIMA at Boulder International Film Festival. You are invited to join us afterwards for a panel discussion with: Lara Johnson from EarthRights Internationals International, Heidi McIntosh from Earthjustice and Rebeca Zúniga-Hamlin from Denver Justice & Peace Committee                   … Continue reading MAXIMA screening at the Boulder International Film Festival. Friday, March 6th at 2:45 pm


Spotlight On! Gun Violence prevention and Migrant Justice in Mexico and Colorado. March 3rd at 5:00pm

Gun Violence Prevention and Migrant Justice in Mexico and Colorado How We Work Together The crisis in migration is driven by a combination of anti-migrant racism and the proliferation of guns and militarism from the United States. John Lindsay-Poland documents the legal and illegal flows of guns from the United States that are bringing devastating … Continue reading Spotlight On! Gun Violence prevention and Migrant Justice in Mexico and Colorado. March 3rd at 5:00pm
