Colombia and Panama Free Trade Agreements passed by House and Senate

On Wednesday, October 13th, the Colombia and Panama Free Trade Agreements, opposed by the Denver Justice & Peace Committee (DJPC), were passed in both the House and Senate. Despite corruption and major human rights violations in Colombia and Panama, President Barack Obama said passage of the agreements was “a major win for American workers and … Continue reading Colombia and Panama Free Trade Agreements passed by House and Senate


ALERT: CONGRESS VOTES TODAY! Stop the Colombia and Panama FTAs!

The Denver Justice and Peace Committee stands firm in its opposition to free trade agreements that are the means to expand economic systems that benefit U.S. and transnational corporations’ interests at the expense of local communities, economies, and ecosystems.  Unfortunately, the Obama administration has placed a priority on passing two such agreements that were written … Continue reading ALERT: CONGRESS VOTES TODAY! Stop the Colombia and Panama FTAs!


Advocacy Update

Advocacy Update By Read Trammel The Advocacy Committee looks forward to the upcoming legislative session that promises to offer many opportunities for us to educate the public about immigration, mining, and free trade policy while promoting human rights, economic justice, and lasting peace in Latin America. Since February, the Advocacy Committee has petitioned members of … Continue reading Advocacy Update


“Devil Operation” Wins Best Human Rights Film Award

The documentary The Devil Operation and the director Stephanie Boyd won the International Human Rights Film Award this February 14, 2011 in the International Film Festival in Berlin. They walked away with the prize in the face of strong competition, including many Berlin Film Festival veterans. The award is sponsored by Amnesty International, Movies That … Continue reading “Devil Operation” Wins Best Human Rights Film Award


DJPC Shares in Ecuadorean Victory!

Ecuador court case on oil Recently Ecuadorean villagers have won a lawsuit against Chevron oil corporation for their actions in the Amazon. The Ecuadoreans, represented by Pablo Fajardo, were citing grievances against Texaco, acquired by Chevron in 1990, for polluting the environment, putting people’s lives at risk and failing to clean up their spills. The … Continue reading DJPC Shares in Ecuadorean Victory!


GEO DETENTION CENTER VIGIL: “Love Knows No Borders, No Walls”

DJPC & CFIR TO CO-SPONSOR FEBRUARY VIGIL AT GEO DETENTION CENTER “LOVE KNOWS NO BORDERS, NO WALLS” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2011 at 6:00 PM DJPC is collaborating with the American Friends Service Committee’s Coloradans for Immigrant Rights (CFIR) to sponsor the February 7 Vigil at the Geo Detention Center in Aurora. Dress for the weather … Continue reading GEO DETENTION CENTER VIGIL: “Love Knows No Borders, No Walls”


Go to Guatemala with DJPC!

Denver Justice & Peace Committee Mining Delegation to Guatemala In Guatemala, hundreds of mining concessions have been granted to transnational gold, silver, nickel, and zinc companies, threatening the social and environmental health of rural populations. Delegation participants will visit the municipalities of Sipakapa and San Miguel Ixtahuacan in the department of San Marcos as well … Continue reading Go to Guatemala with DJPC!


May Salon on Fair Trade: Highlights

Catherine Raveczky, one of the authors of DJPC’s Global Solutions to Violence curriculum, facilitated the evening’s discussion and engaged our participation through the popular education format. We started the evening by participating in a “Silent Thought Museum” where we walked around the room, viewing different visuals, and writing down our comments/reactions and  reflections to them. … Continue reading May Salon on Fair Trade: Highlights


May Salon- Working Toward Fair Trade

The 2010 Salon Discussion Series invites you to join us for a presentation that explores ways to develop just trade policies and fair trade opportunities as the means to counter the effects of globalization and neoliberal economic policies. Catherine Raveczky, one of the authors of DJPC’s Global Solutions to Violence curriculum, will facilitate the evening’s … Continue reading May Salon- Working Toward Fair Trade
