
You are invited to DJPC 43rd Annual Awards Night on Thursday, November 10th, 2022 at 6 pm.

Para leer esta invitación en español siga abajo. Dear community, We are honored to invite you to our 43rd Annual Awards Night Celebration. On Thursday, November 10, from 6-8pm, we will have the honor to hear directly from representatives of the Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH) a leading voice in Honduras for the self-determination and … Continue reading You are invited to DJPC 43rd Annual Awards Night on Thursday, November 10th, 2022 at 6 pm.


Global Justice and Peace Award 2022: Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH)

The DJPC Board of Directors is honored to announce that the Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña, OFRANEH will be receiving the 2022 Global Justice and Peace Award on November 10th 2022 at 6:00 online event. Miriam Miranda, representative of Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras in her acceptance letter said: “We accept with joy and with … Continue reading Global Justice and Peace Award 2022: Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH)


? Thank you volunteers for your time to Build for Peace 2022. ? Thank you community for your support.

? Thank you volunteers for your time to Build for Peace 2022. ? Thank you community for your support. The DJPC actively supports migrants while still in their home countries, after they arrive here, and everywhere in between. We do this through our educational forums which are both online and in-person, social action, and our … Continue reading ? Thank you volunteers for your time to Build for Peace 2022. ? Thank you community for your support.


Solidarity with Honduras 13 years later

June 28, 2009 – June 28, 2022 Solidarity with Honduras 13 years later Another anniversary of the June 28, 2009 coup d’etat that changed Honduras forever is here. This year, on this date, the Honduras Solidarity Network of North America (HSN) not only reaffirms continuing solidarity with the Honduran social movements and opposition to the … Continue reading Solidarity with Honduras 13 years later


Solidaridad con Honduras 13 años después del golpe de estado.

28 de junio de 2009 – 28 de junio de 2022 Solidaridad con Honduras 13 años después Se cumple un nuevo aniversario del golpe de Estado del 28 de junio de 2009 que cambió a Honduras para siempre. Este año, en esta fecha, la Red de Solidaridad con Honduras de América del Norte (HSN) no … Continue reading Solidaridad con Honduras 13 años después del golpe de estado.


Call for Volunteers. Build for Peace 2022

Build for Peace is an excellent opportunity for you to get out into the Denver community, contribute to a meaningful project and help DJPC in the process. It is also a great way to meet other DJPC allies and volunteers! Build for Peace (B4P) is a day of service for a community organization. Every year … Continue reading Call for Volunteers. Build for Peace 2022


Nicaraguan feminists share their experiences and perspectives on the dictatorship in their country

Nicaraguan feminists share their experiences and perspectives on the dictatorship in their country Kathy Bougher, Collaborator with the Denver Justice and Peace Committee (DJPC) Recently I had the opportunity to speak with a group of Nicaraguan feminist human rights defenders, some of whom live in their country and others who have had to flee the country … Continue reading Nicaraguan feminists share their experiences and perspectives on the dictatorship in their country


Feministas nicaragüenses comparten sus experiencias y perspectivas sobre la dictadura en su país

Feministas nicaragüenses comparten sus experiencias y perspectivas sobre la dictadura en su país  Kathy Bougher, Colaboradora con Denver Justice and Peace Committee  (DJPC) Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de hablar con un grupo de feministas nicaragüenses defensoras de derechos humanos, algunas de las cuales viven en su país y otras que han tenido que huir del … Continue reading Feministas nicaragüenses comparten sus experiencias y perspectivas sobre la dictadura en su país


Organizaciones en EE.UU. alertan sobre violaciones a derechos humanos en El Salvador y potencial aumento en la migración, resultantes del régimen de excepción

Más de 65 grupos, con sede en EE.UU., emiten un comunicado conjunto expresando “profunda preocupación” por el Estado de Excepción del gobierno de Bukele Más de 12.000 personas han sido detenidas en El Salvador desde que el gobierno de Bukele declaró el Estado de Excepción el 27 de marzo. En nombre de la represión a … Continue reading Organizaciones en EE.UU. alertan sobre violaciones a derechos humanos en El Salvador y potencial aumento en la migración, resultantes del régimen de excepción


Widespread Arbitrary Arrests and Violations of Due Process In El Salvador Raise Concerns About Human Rights and Ongoing U.S. Security Cooperation

U.S.-based groups release joint statement expressing “profound concern” about the Bukele administration’s State of Exception   Over 12,000 people have been arrested in El Salvador since the Bukele administration declared a State of Exception on March 27th. In the name of cracking down on gangs following a wave of deadly violence, the State of Exception … Continue reading Widespread Arbitrary Arrests and Violations of Due Process In El Salvador Raise Concerns About Human Rights and Ongoing U.S. Security Cooperation
