
DJPC Holiday Potluck

On  Friday, December 17th, DJPC held it’s quarterly potluck social–this time a Holiday Party!  The food and decorations were great!  But the company and sing-a-long were the best!  For those who missed the fun,  here are the lyrics of two songs we sang to keep us in the Holiday Solidarity spirit: LET US GO  (to … Continue reading DJPC Holiday Potluck


Go to Guatemala with DJPC!

Denver Justice & Peace Committee Mining Delegation to Guatemala In Guatemala, hundreds of mining concessions have been granted to transnational gold, silver, nickel, and zinc companies, threatening the social and environmental health of rural populations. Delegation participants will visit the municipalities of Sipakapa and San Miguel Ixtahuacan in the department of San Marcos as well … Continue reading Go to Guatemala with DJPC!


DJPC Holiday Potluck Social

DJPC HOLIDAY POTLUCK SOCIAL Friday, December 10th, 2010 6:00 – 9:00 PM at DJPC’s office located in the Highland’s United Methodist Church 3131 Osceola, Denver CO See all your DJPC friends! Meet lots of new members! Enjoy delicious food! Hear brief updates on all DJPC activities! Sign some new justice and peace holiday songs! See … Continue reading DJPC Holiday Potluck Social


November Salon- Mining

Join us Thursday, November 18th (7:00-9:00 PM) to watch a PBS frontline clip called Peru: The Curse of Inca Gold. The film clip will be followed by a discussion with Roberto Forns-Broggi on Latin American mining issues. Location: DJPC’s new office- Highlands United Methodist Church 3131 Osceola St. Denver, CO 80212 Free parking in lot … Continue reading November Salon- Mining
