Save the Date for the 2011 AWARDS NIGHT!
July Salon/DJPC’s Summer Film Series featuring “abUSed: The Postville Raid”
photo courtesy On May 12, 2008, 389 undocumented workers were arrested and placed in handcuffs and chains by 900 heavily armed ICE agents at Agriprocessors, Inc., the largest kosher slaughterhouse and meat-packing plant in the country. In just 4 days, nearly 300 of these workers were fast-tracked through the US legal system, convicted of … Continue reading July Salon/DJPC’s Summer Film Series featuring “abUSed: The Postville Raid”
June Salon: “Honduras: A Case Study of the Global Shock Doctrine”
Margie Thompson and Maria Suarez Toro, of FIRE (Feminist International Radio Endeavour), will talk about what constitutes “the shock” with the repression in Honduras following the coup d’etat in June 2009 and continuing today. They will discuss the persecution of the popular resistance and social/political movements, and power grabs by conservative political forces and transnational … Continue reading June Salon: “Honduras: A Case Study of the Global Shock Doctrine”
Petition to Newmont Mining Corporation
Wine Tasting & Benefit Dinner
Join DJPC for a Wine-tasting and Benefit Dinner at Udi’s Pizza Cafe-Bar, 7600 Grandview Avenue, Arvada 80002, on Friday, May 20th! Taste great wines from Chile and Argentina provided by Primo Vino of Olde Town Arvada from 4:00 – 5:15 PM. Stay for dinner by Udi’s from 5:00 – 6:00 PM. Tickets for $20 in … Continue reading Wine Tasting & Benefit Dinner
Lots of accomplishments in 2011–many more great events to come!
It’s been awhile since we shared some of the things DJPC has accomplished so far in 2011. In January, Jennifer Piper of AFSC share about the reality of immigration and it’s root causes, in a Salon titled “Immigrant Detention: When U.S. Foreign Policy Drives People from their Homes and U.S. Enforcement Policies Drive Them Back.” … Continue reading Lots of accomplishments in 2011–many more great events to come!
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May Salon This Thursday: “Guatemala Accompaniment Project: Stories from the Field”
Ashley Williamson and Jason Boccaccio are returned accompaniers who will be sharing stories from their time with NISGUA’s Guatemalan Accompaniment Project (GAP). GAP accompanies communities to deter human rights violations. Ashley and Jason will share their own personal stories from Guatemala and answer any questions about GAP and current human rights issues in Guatemala. Thursday, … Continue reading May Salon This Thursday: “Guatemala Accompaniment Project: Stories from the Field”
DJPC Build For Peace This Saturday!
It’s time for the Denver Justice and Peace Committee’s Biannual Build for Peace! Build for Peace is a work-a-thon (like a walk-a-thon or a marathon!). DJPC members who will be working as “builders” need your pledge of support for their work on October 15th. This year our “builders” will be painting and restoring a home … Continue reading DJPC Build For Peace This Saturday!