Thank You, Builders-for-Peace!


to all who worked so hard painting
at DJPC’s Build for Peace
last Saturday, October 15th:

Celesté Martínez
Connie Curtis
Frankie Morrone
Gianna Carleo
Gloria Piper
Jerry Stookey
Jorge Quintero Millan
Michell Doherty-Quintero
Rick Clifford
Steve Piper

Family Tree expresses their thanks
for the newly painted 7 bedrooms
on behalf of the women and children
who need a clean, safe place.

In a special way, DJPC thanks
Connie Curtis who coordinated
this Build for Peace.
And DJPC thanks all of you for your hard work
and for all your sponsors
who make it possible for DJPC to keep
working in solidarity with the people of Latin America



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