Thanks for the Holiday Potluck!

Thanks to all who helped make DJPC’s Holiday Potluck so much fun (and delicious) last Friday,  December 16th.  The company was great, as were the food and decorations!  We were honored by Julio Cochoy’s visit and personal testimony of healing after the genocide in Guatemala.  And for those who missed the party,  here are the … Continue reading Thanks for the Holiday Potluck!


Lots of accomplishments in 2011–many more great events to come!

It’s been awhile since we shared some of the things DJPC has accomplished so far in 2011.  In January, Jennifer Piper of AFSC share about the reality of immigration and it’s root causes, in a Salon titled “Immigrant Detention: When U.S. Foreign Policy Drives People from their Homes and U.S. Enforcement Policies Drive Them Back.”  … Continue reading Lots of accomplishments in 2011–many more great events to come!


DJPC Spring Potluck “Lyrics”

On  Friday, March 25th, DJPC held it’s quarterly potluck social–this time celebrating SPRING!  The food was great!  But the company and sing-a-long were the best!  The door prize was a handpainted box from El Salvador!  For those who missed the fun,  here are the lyrics of the song we sang to keep us going strong … Continue reading DJPC Spring Potluck “Lyrics”


DJPC Holiday Potluck

On  Friday, December 17th, DJPC held it’s quarterly potluck social–this time a Holiday Party!  The food and decorations were great!  But the company and sing-a-long were the best!  For those who missed the fun,  here are the lyrics of two songs we sang to keep us in the Holiday Solidarity spirit: LET US GO  (to … Continue reading DJPC Holiday Potluck


September Salon Series

DJPC’s 2010 Salon Discussion Series Presents: Appropriate Technology and Sustainable Development With the following organizations in attendance: El Porvenir assists people in rural communities in Nicaragua to improve their standard of living through sustainable development in clean water, sanitation, and health education. To date, EP has assisted rural communities with 705 projects that now supply 105,000 … Continue reading September Salon Series


Save the Date for 2010 Annual Awards Night!

This year, the 2010 Annual Awards Night will be held on October 23rd at 7pm at First Mennonite Church here in Denver.  The 2010 Global Justice and Peace Award will go to GRUFIDES, El Grupo de Formación e Intervención para el Desarrollo Sostenible, a grassroots organization based in Cajamarca, Peru that promotes sustainable development through … Continue reading Save the Date for 2010 Annual Awards Night!


DJPC’s Summer Potluck Social

Download the Summer Potluck Flier : DJPC Summer Potluck Flier FRIDAY JULY 30, 2010 6:30 P.M.— 8:30 P.M. DJPC’s Office located in the Denver Inner City Parish 1212 Mariposa St. Denver, CO 80204 Free parking available on streets and in building lots. Beverages and  utensils provided. Bring a dish (with serving utensils) to share. R.S.V.P. TODAY!!! 303-623-1463


March Salon on SOA demonstrations: Highlights

Irene Rodriguez, a journalist, showed a clip from the film “On the Line” that gave some background information on the SOA (School of the Americas) which included mentioning that hundreds of people have died at the hands of soldiers who were trained there. The demonstration at Fort Benning in November 2009 marked the 20th year … Continue reading March Salon on SOA demonstrations: Highlights
