Ask Senators Hickenlooper and Bennet to Co-Sponsor S.388

Sister and Brothers,   As some of you know, the DJPC has been actively asking our elected officials to support three Honduras human rights bills currently in Congress. We feel strongly that, if passed, these three bills will help to reduce human rights violations, save the lives of Hondurans, and allow their country to move … Continue reading Ask Senators Hickenlooper and Bennet to Co-Sponsor S.388


Aviva Chomsky: Cuban Protestors Are Not Calling for the Overthrow of the Government or Foreign Intervention.

Aviva Chomsky: Cuban Protestors Are Not Calling for the Overthrow of the Government or Foreign Intervention  By Ana Alakija Earlier this year, Cuba was featured in international headlines as an archetypal of a nation moving quickly against the emerging threat of COVID-19. Cuba was one of the first Latin American countries in developing and manufacturing … Continue reading Aviva Chomsky: Cuban Protestors Are Not Calling for the Overthrow of the Government or Foreign Intervention.


Guide to resisting mining – new edition released on the Global Day Against Mega Mining

Today on The Global Day Against Mega Mining we see the official re-launch of ‘Basic principles for protecting your community from extractive industries’. This guide, written by Ecuadorean activist Carlos Zorilla, is the best guide to community-led resistance we know of. Yes to Life No to Mining has redesigned the guide, making it more accessible … Continue reading Guide to resisting mining – new edition released on the Global Day Against Mega Mining


Global Day of Action against Mining/Día de Acción Global contra la Minería

The 22nd of July 2021 is the Global Day Against Mining. This year, it finds most of us under COVID lockdowns that, in many cases, are restricting our rights and rendering our struggles against destructive mining invisible. Yet the global mining industry freely operates under the guise of post-pandemic recovery. Wherever we are today, we … Continue reading Global Day of Action against Mining/Día de Acción Global contra la Minería


A Call to Suspend Military Aid to Honduras. By Lynn Holland.

On June 14, our Bord Chair, Lynn Holland,  published a Letter to the Editor in Denver University paper Clarion. LTTE: A Call to Suspend Military Aid to Honduras As many are aware, Hondurans continue to arrive at the U.S. border to seek shelter much as they did during the Trump administration. Their desperate stories are … Continue reading A Call to Suspend Military Aid to Honduras. By Lynn Holland.


The Peoples of Central America Declare: US “Economic Aid” Fuels Inequality and Displacement

This past week, DJPC joined sister organization CISPES and over 130 social movement organizations in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and the United States calling on Congress to seriously re-consider US economic policy towards Central America. Check out the press release below. Economic inequality is one of the main drivers of instability throughout the isthmus and … Continue reading The Peoples of Central America Declare: US “Economic Aid” Fuels Inequality and Displacement


Statement on Vice President Kamala Harris Visit to Guatemala

On her recent visit to Guatemala, Vice President Kamala Harris sent a message to those who are thinking about migrating to the US: “Do not come,” she said firmly. What the vice president and Biden administration do not acknowledge is that for many in the Northern Triangle Countries (NTC) – Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador … Continue reading Statement on Vice President Kamala Harris Visit to Guatemala


Phone Zap on Honduras Human Rights Bills. Wednesday, May 12 at noon.

Five years after the assassination of Berta Cáceres, an indigenous Honduran environmental and human rights activist, the Berta Cáceres Human Rights Act (H.R. 1574) was reintroduced into the US House of Representatives. Three out of the eight people who were arrested for her assassination in March 2016 were US-trained forces; two were trained at the infamous … Continue reading Phone Zap on Honduras Human Rights Bills. Wednesday, May 12 at noon.


Take action: Demand Freedom for the Guapinol Water Protectors!

On February 9, 2021 the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention determined that the detention of the 8 Guapinol Water Protectors is related to their work in defense of the environment. Every new day that the Guapinol Water Protectors spend in prison is another violation of their human rights. At the same time, while the … Continue reading Take action: Demand Freedom for the Guapinol Water Protectors!


We were gratified to hear of the guilty verdict in the trial of police officer Derek Chauvin regarding the death of George Floyd.

We were gratified to hear of the guilty verdict in the trial of police officer Derek Chauvin regarding the death of George Floyd. This long-awaited verdict is the result of the monumental efforts of many people and activist organizations, most of all, the family of Mr. Floyd and witnesses at the scene. Our hearts go … Continue reading We were gratified to hear of the guilty verdict in the trial of police officer Derek Chauvin regarding the death of George Floyd.
