Join us for our next forum: Asylum-Seekers and Migration at the U.S.-Mexico Border. A conversation with Kathy Bougher. This will be a conversation based on Kathy’s recent visit to the border. She will address “metering” the Migrant Protection Protocol – MPP (“Remain in Mexico”) and Title 42. Thursday, April 15th at 6 pm MST. You … Continue reading Forum: Asylum-Seekers and Migration at the U.S.-Mexico Border. A conversation with Kathy Bougher. April 15th, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
Forum: The Amazon Rainforest – What´s at Stake and What You Can Do. March 3rd, 2021 at 2:00 PM.
The Amazon rainforest is one of the most important ecosystems in the world. Housing Earth’s greatest biodiversity and home to hundreds of traditional indigenous peoples, the Amazon faces an unprecedented level of threats, particularly from neoliberal policies being pushed by the authoritarian government in Brazil and elsewhere. This conversation will help us make sense of … Continue reading Forum: The Amazon Rainforest – What´s at Stake and What You Can Do. March 3rd, 2021 at 2:00 PM.
You are invited to join our Annual Planning Meeting. Jan 23, 2021
January 18th, 2021 we continue to celebrate the legacy of of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Join the virtual commemorations.
Today we join, in a virtual way, the movement that celebrates the legacy of nonviolent civil disobedience of Martin Luther King Jr. Go to this links to follow the events that are happening in Denver, Colorado. The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice Massachusetts invites us to join a day-long, virtual gathering that … Continue reading January 18th, 2021 we continue to celebrate the legacy of of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Join the virtual commemorations.
Statement condemning fascist violence in Washington, DC, on January 6th 2021.
DJPC condemns the fascist violence in Washington, DC, spurred to action by the xenophobic and racist outgoing president, Donald Trump. He cultivated the mob when he failed to condemn their Charleston violence in 2017; he emboldened the mob by telling them to stand-down and stand-by in 2020; yesterday, he called on his mob to march … Continue reading Statement condemning fascist violence in Washington, DC, on January 6th 2021.
Despite the Pandemic, we have continued our work. We’ve deepened our ties with partner organizations in Latin America and in the United States.
Denver, December 28, 2020. Dear Denver Justice and Peace Committee Family, I write to you from within the walls of my apartment, which feel as if they continue to close in on me as we approach month ten of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s a conservative estimation to suggest that it’s been a tough year for … Continue reading Despite the Pandemic, we have continued our work. We’ve deepened our ties with partner organizations in Latin America and in the United States.
Implementation of Asylum Agreement Violates Human Rights of Migrants
Press Contact: Yesenia Portillo, +011 503 7550 2965, [email protected] On December 18, International Day of the Migrant, DJPC joined over thirty human rights, religious, solidarity and service organizations throughout Central America and the United States to denounce the pending implementation of an Asylum Cooperative Agreement (ACA) between the United States and El … Continue reading Implementation of Asylum Agreement Violates Human Rights of Migrants
Thank you for joining for our Quarantine Chatauqua. You still have a chance to bid in the silent auction.
Dear Sister and Brothers: We trust that you all had a nice weekend and kept warm. From the DJPC team, we want to thank you for joining us on Friday night. As we continue to adjust to the new ways of gathering and doing our activism, we want to wish you all a great holiday … Continue reading Thank you for joining for our Quarantine Chatauqua. You still have a chance to bid in the silent auction.
On International Human Rights Day we invite you to our Quarantine Chatauqua.
Today on International Human Rights Day we continue to stand in solidarity with the People´s of Latin America. Perhaps more than ever, struggles are shared across Latin America and the US. The Amazon and Pantanal are burning; California and Colorado are burning. A corrupt populist threatens democracy in El Salvador; a corrupt populist threatens democracy … Continue reading On International Human Rights Day we invite you to our Quarantine Chatauqua.
Today is #GivingTuesday. Solidarity from the South to the North is the heart of our movement.
Dear all Today is #GivingTuesday. Over the last seven years, this has been an event that encourages movement-building by giving what you can and sharing what you have. DONATE We continue to stand in resistance to rising neofascism, ethnonationalism, and right-wing populism around the world. In November, we faced an election between the fascist wing … Continue reading Today is #GivingTuesday. Solidarity from the South to the North is the heart of our movement.