May 2nd: A conversation with Father Roy Bourgeois.

Waking up to the Suffering and Oppression of Others. A conversation with Father Roy Bourgeois. Thursday, May 2nd 2019. 6:00-8:00 pm. 1420 Ogden Street, Denver, CO, 80218. Thank you to the AFSC for hosting! Free parking on site, please disregard event parking. This event is free and open to the public. Father Roy Bourgeois earned … Continue reading May 2nd: A conversation with Father Roy Bourgeois.


DJPC Forum Presents: What is going on in Brazil? Wednesday April 17th at 6pm

Join us in a conversation with Brazilian specialists, Marco Cepik, Rafael Ioris and Aaron Schneider who will discuss recent events taking place in Latin America’s largest country. A nation that until recently was seen as an emerging economic powerhouse and democracy; now living one of its worst crisis lead by its authoritarian regime. Wednesday, April … Continue reading DJPC Forum Presents: What is going on in Brazil? Wednesday April 17th at 6pm


Panel: Venezuela: What Corporate Media aren’t telling you. Why military intervention is not the answer.

Panel discussion: Venezuela: What Corporate Media aren’t telling you.Why military intervention is not the answer. With: Mark Burton Esq. and Rebeca Zuniga-Hamlin. Wednesday, March 6th at 12 Noon at the Ricketson Law Building room 370 at Denver University. 2255 East Evans Ave. This event is free and open to the public.


DJPC Forum: Cuba-USA. Engagement Policy: Trumped!

DJPC Forum: Cuba-USA. Engagement Policy: Trumped! Wednesday, February 13th at 6:00 Highlands United Methodist Church. 3131 Osceola Street. Denver. CO 80212 In March 2016, Peter Kornbluh accompanied President Barack Obama on his history-making trip to Havana–a major step forward in a historic effort to normalize relations between the United States and Cuba. Washington and Havana … Continue reading DJPC Forum: Cuba-USA. Engagement Policy: Trumped!


DJPC Forum: The Long Honduran Night with Dana Frank. January 31st at 6:00 pm.

DJPC presents: January 2019 Forum: The Long Honduran Night with Dana Frank. Thursday, January 31st, 2019 6:00 – 8:00 pm 1420 N Ogden St #201, Denver, CO 80218 (Thank you  to the American Friends Service Committee for hosting) This powerful narrative recounts the dramatic years in Honduras following the June 2009 military coup that deposed … Continue reading DJPC Forum: The Long Honduran Night with Dana Frank. January 31st at 6:00 pm.


April Forum: The SOA Watch Borderlands Encuentro and Experiences

In the current political climate with talk of building walls, heightened security, and fear, what does it mean to the lives of the people living at or near our southern border who exist in the shadows? Come and hear the experiences of students, community members, and professors from several universities in Denver who attended the … Continue reading April Forum: The SOA Watch Borderlands Encuentro and Experiences


Fighting for a Better Life in Chiapas

DJPC board member, professor Lynn Holland will report back on her recent journey to Chiapas with a group of nine students from the University of Denver. She will describe how the people of Chiapas, the poorest state in Mexico, are fighting back against hazardous large-scale commercial projects by courageously protesting big mining operations, providing education … Continue reading Fighting for a Better Life in Chiapas


Forum: The Central American Migrant Crisis: Human Rights and Refuge at the Mexico-Guatemala Border

DJPC Forum: Professor Rebecca Galemba and Kaelyn DeVries give details on a one week preliminary trip to migrant shelters at the Mexico-Guatemala border. The trip is part of a larger collaboration with the Center for Migration Studies and the Scalabrini Migrant Shelter Network to document human rights abuses experienced by Central American migrants on the … Continue reading Forum: The Central American Migrant Crisis: Human Rights and Refuge at the Mexico-Guatemala Border
