April Forum: The SOA Watch Borderlands Encuentro and Experiences

In the current political climate with talk of building walls, heightened security, and fear, what does it mean to the lives of the people living at or near our southern border who exist in the shadows? Come and hear the experiences of students, community members, and professors from several universities in Denver who attended the … Continue reading April Forum: The SOA Watch Borderlands Encuentro and Experiences


Fighting for a Better Life in Chiapas

DJPC board member, professor Lynn Holland will report back on her recent journey to Chiapas with a group of nine students from the University of Denver. She will describe how the people of Chiapas, the poorest state in Mexico, are fighting back against hazardous large-scale commercial projects by courageously protesting big mining operations, providing education … Continue reading Fighting for a Better Life in Chiapas


Forum: The Central American Migrant Crisis: Human Rights and Refuge at the Mexico-Guatemala Border

DJPC Forum: Professor Rebecca Galemba and Kaelyn DeVries give details on a one week preliminary trip to migrant shelters at the Mexico-Guatemala border. The trip is part of a larger collaboration with the Center for Migration Studies and the Scalabrini Migrant Shelter Network to document human rights abuses experienced by Central American migrants on the … Continue reading Forum: The Central American Migrant Crisis: Human Rights and Refuge at the Mexico-Guatemala Border
