Sponsor a Builder-for-Peace!


DJPC’s Springtime Build-for-Peace

Saturday, May 2, 2015

8:30 AM – 1 PM

 Build-for-Peace is  a fundraiser that keeps DJPC alive and well in
 order to do the  real work we want to do:
  building a more just and peaceful global society! 
So you will definitely want to sponsor one of the "Builders" working at this event. 
   They are: 
Bob Carlsten
Lynn Farquhar
Richard Kruch
Terry Ruby
Francine Schwarzenberger
Jerry Stookey
Joy Warner
Shirley Whiteside
Joshua Zielinski


To sponsor one of these Builders, CLICK HERE and fill out the on-line donation
 form.  Be sure to write in the name of the “Builder” you want to sponsor.  
Or send a check made to “DJPC Education Fund” with the name of the “Builder”
 you are sponsoring in the Memo line and mail to: 
DJPC, P.O. Box 12403, Denver, CO 80212. 
And THANK YOU for your support! 

Our goal is to raise $5000

(but imagine if each "builder" solicited $1000 in donations,
so we could double that!)

"We always have lots of fun, too!"
"You don't get what you don't ask for. Ask!"  John Proctor
1.  "Builders" solicit sponsors whose donations support DJPC.
2.  Family Homestead gets DJPC volunteer "builders" for free. 
3.  Families in transition and emergencies get decent housing.

Everybody wins!

  family homestead

Family Homestead 

Denver Justice & Peace Committee
P.O. Box 12403
Denver, CO 80212
Facebook – Skype – Twitter




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