Please take immediate action on Fast Track! |
Please call your Representative by noon on Wednesday to oppose Fast Track trade authority as the first step in opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement (TPP). DJPC is part of a national coalition concentrating its efforts on Democratic members of the House. (A quick primer on Fast Track and the TPP follow this action alert if you are not familiar with them.) Fast Track delegates away Congress’ Constitutional trade authority. It is crucial that our Representatives be able to consider and debate trade agreements that impact jobs, health, environment, etc. It is also critical that we ensure a fair deal for the people most affected in the countries of our trading partners. DJPC stands for human rights and economic justice throughout the Americas. The pitch is simple: “I am calling to ask Rep. _______ to join more than 120 other House Democrats and sign Congresswoman DeLauro and Congressman Miller’s letter opposing Fast Track trade authority by the end of business on Wednesday. It is anticipated that the administration will request this authority soon. I am making this request so that when the TPP and similar trade agreements come up for a vote, real debates can be held on them. Thank you for taking my comment.” Rep. Diana DeGette 202-225-4431 Rep. Jared Polis 202-225-2161 Rep. Ed Perlmutter 202-225-2645 U.S. Capitol switchboard 202-225-3121 Please ask to speak with the trade staffer in your Representative’s office. Thank you! |
Fast Track Authority “Fast Track Authority” (aka Trade Promotion Authority) is being requested by the administration as a way to move a massive new free trade proposal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPA), quickly through Congress without amendment and little discussion. Here’s what you might want to know about “Fast Track”:
For a complete analysis of Fast Track, please visit DJPC’s website at |
What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and how does it relate to Latin America? The TPP is a multilateral trade agreement between the U.S. and other Pacific Rim nations, which combined make up approximately 40% of the global economy. The TPP includes the Latin American nations of Mexico, Peru and Chile. (Colombia has expressed interest in joining at a later date.) Negotiated by the U.S. Trade Representative and the Obama administration, it could be brought to Congressional vote by the end of 2013. What are the issues of concern for human rights, economic justice and lasting peace in Latin America within the TPP? DJPC has questions and major concerns regarding:
The TPP’s reach goes beyond concerns of trade, with chapters that include:
To put the ramifications of “free” trade agreements (FTA) into perspective…More than one year after the U.S. ratified and implemented a bilateral FTA with Colombia and despite last minute inclusions for human rights considerations, Colombia continues to be the deadliest location in the world to be a union member. Mass, forced internal displacement rose and the agricultural sector as it concerns small farmers has been crippled. The Colombia FTA followed the neoliberal model of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In the current discussion, the TPP has been referred to as “NAFTA on steroids.” The TPP has been negotiated in secret, even to the exclusion of U.S. Congressional members and without the input of broader civil society. Compounding on this lack of transparency—negotiating sessions have been moved to remote locations and hidden, due to international public outcry. For more information on just trade, please see DJPC’s position paper on trade available at |
Denver Justice & Peace Committee P.O. Box 12403 Denver, Colorado 80212 USA Tel. 303-623-1463 ![]() |