Salon Screening: Marmato. September 15th @ 7:00 PM

DJPC’s Minewatch Committee is pleased to screen: Marmato A Canadian mining company arrives to a small village in Colombia “Humble villagers go up against a powerful mining company… Never underestimate the power of the people.”A film by Mark Grieco Thursday, September 15th at 7:00 PM 3131 Osceola Street. Denver, CO 80212. Fellowship Hall, Highlands United … Continue reading Salon Screening: Marmato. September 15th @ 7:00 PM


Thursday August 18th at 7pm: Salon Discussion with Jesse Freeston

Film Screening Salon Discussion with Jesse Freeston, director and co-producer June 28th 2009. The first coup d’etat in Central America in a generation overthrows the elected government of Honduras. A nationwide resistance movement is born, bringing together teachers, taxi drivers, farmers and everyone in between. Among them 2,000 families from the Aguan Valley who respond … Continue reading Thursday August 18th at 7pm: Salon Discussion with Jesse Freeston


Salon Discussion: “Indigenous resistance in Cotacachi – Ecuador”. July 21st @ 7pm

Salon Discussion with: Alicia Perugachi Guajan “Indigenous resistance in Cotacachi – Ecuador“ Alicia Perugachi Guajan started organizing at the age of 14 in her native community with the Union of Organizations of Cotacachi , Ecuador – UNORCAC. She is a community promoter who has developed social and environmental projects, organizational capacity building for women, and … Continue reading Salon Discussion: “Indigenous resistance in Cotacachi – Ecuador”. July 21st @ 7pm


Salon Discussion: Las Bambas No VA! June 16th 2016

The Denver Justice and Peace Committee & The Committee in Solidarity and Support with the Struggle of the People of Apurimac Presents the Salon Discussion: “Las Bambas NO VA!” Las Bambas is copper mine situated in the province of Catabambas and Grau in the department of Apurimac, in the center of Peru. 47 communities of … Continue reading Salon Discussion: Las Bambas No VA! June 16th 2016


“Rana Plaza and the Fight for Safe Factories in the Global Garment Industry”

DJPC Salon Discussion: May 19th at 7:00 PM On April 24, 2013, 1,129 garment workers in Bangladesh who were making clothes for foreign brands such as Benetton and Wal-Mart died when the building they were working in collapsed. Though it was hardly the first industrial accident in the country’s garment sector, Rana Plaza was by … Continue reading “Rana Plaza and the Fight for Safe Factories in the Global Garment Industry”


The Social Psychology of “Us vs Them” Climate Change Messages

DJPC Salon Discussion with: Maria Talero This was an interactive mini-workshop on key lessons from social psychology that apply both to the climate crisis and the struggle for social justice. The punchline: we are deeply prone to “us vs them” thinking and other cognitive biases, and we selectively ‘filter’ information in a way that conforms to our … Continue reading The Social Psychology of “Us vs Them” Climate Change Messages


Honoring immigrants from the past… “To have a better life”

Reconociendo a los inmigrantes del pasado… “una mejor vida” Salon Discussion/Conversatorio On March 17 we had an inspiring group of students from the 5th grade of McGlone Elementary in Denver tell us about how they learned about their own history of migration to the US after they interviewed their mothers and fathers about their journey … Continue reading Honoring immigrants from the past… “To have a better life”


Zika in Central America a public health problem and a feminist challenge.

a conversation about Zika with Maria Hamlin Zúniga a Public Health Specialist with 48 years of experience in Central America, living and working in Guatemala y Nicaragua in Comprehensive Community health programs. Founding member of the Regional Committee for Community Health in Mesoamerica and the People’s Health Movement in Latin America and globally.   If … Continue reading Zika in Central America a public health problem and a feminist challenge.


Salon Discussion January 2016

Solidarity with the peoples of Ayotzinapa:a conversation with Ismael Netzahualtl. Solidaridad con el pueblo de Ayotzinapa:conversando con Ismael Netzahualt. Thursday January 21 2016/ Jueves 21 de Enero del 2016 7-8:30 PM @ Highlands United Methodist church community Hall 3131 Osceola Street Free parking in church lot at 32nd & Osceola and on street. Estacionamiento gratuito. … Continue reading Salon Discussion January 2016


Dr. Claudia Paz y Paz Bailey “Struggles for Justice: From Guatemala to Ayotzinapa”

As Guatemala´s fist female Attorney General, Dr. Paz y Paz Bailey prosecuted organized criminals and perpetrators of mass human rights abuses despite threats to her own safety. She was a 2013 nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. Join us in a conversation with Dr. Paz y Paz. Date: Thursday, October 1st 2015 Time: 7:00- 8:30 … Continue reading Dr. Claudia Paz y Paz Bailey “Struggles for Justice: From Guatemala to Ayotzinapa”
