Greetings, DJPC supporters! We hope this letter finds you and your family safe and healthy during this time of crisis and disruption. Despite the challenging circumstances we are all living through, the DJPC continues to stand in solidarity with people across the world. Resistance From US Imperialism: We remain vigilant to state violence and authoritarianism … Continue reading For 40 years, the DJPC has been in the fight for justice and peace, and we aren’t backing down now. But, we can’t do it without you.
Strength in Diversity, Power in Solidarity
Standing together with frontline communities to confront Newmont Mining By Ellen Moore – April 16, 2020 Even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, indigenous people across the globe must risk everything to defend their land, water and clean air from harmful mining projects. This Earth Day, we are celebrating one of those fierce … Continue reading Strength in Diversity, Power in Solidarity
Gun violence prevention and migrant justice in Mexico and Colorado. How we work together.
“Gun violence prevention and migrant justice in Mexico and Colorado. How we work together.” On March 3rd, 2020, John Lindsay-Poland did a presentation in Denver as part of the American Friends Service Committee – Colorado Spotlight On! program. If you missed it you are now able to watch the session here. The crisis in migration is … Continue reading Gun violence prevention and migrant justice in Mexico and Colorado. How we work together.
In honor of the earth that sustains us all, Happy Earth Hour!
In honor of the earth that sustains us all, Happy Earth Hour! Time to unite to protect the planet! Every year since 2007, people all over the world have turned off their lights for one hour to draw attention to the impact of energy use on the planet. That hour is upon us! Today, Saturday, … Continue reading In honor of the earth that sustains us all, Happy Earth Hour!
Statement by the DJPC on the Covid-19 Pandemic. March 2020.
Statement by the DJPC on the Covid-19 Pandemic March 2020 To our DJPC supporters, this is an especially challenging time and our thoughts are with all of you as we shelter in our homes to limit the effects of Covid-19. We ask everyone to keep our health workers and all essential personnel in their thoughts … Continue reading Statement by the DJPC on the Covid-19 Pandemic. March 2020.
Romero’s murder at 40 years.
March 24th marks 40 years since a right-wing death squad murdered now-Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero. In 1980, Romero was Archbishop of San Salvador and drew on liberation theology teachings to stand against the injustice and oppression of the military regime that governed his country. He was shot in the midst of a Mass, and no … Continue reading Romero’s murder at 40 years.
Reflections on COVID-19. By Isa Villalon
Reflections on COVID-19 By Isa Villalon These last weeks have created a shock wave that has shifted the course of most people’s lives. For me, it has been no different. After almost 7 months in Guatemala, I left in three hours. I had plans, deep friendships, community, responsibilities, loved ones, a house. I had my … Continue reading Reflections on COVID-19. By Isa Villalon
Rethinking a Sustainable Future – Lithium in Bolivia
By Kendall McCormick In 2019, I spent about 3 weeks in Bolivia. My time there was cut short due to the political protest happening at the time. A part of me feels as if I still have unfinished business. Although I cannot be there physically, I can continue to learn about what is going on … Continue reading Rethinking a Sustainable Future – Lithium in Bolivia
Corona Reflections. By Ruby Tedeschi
Corona Reflections By Ruby Tedeschi I am writing this from my childhood room in my parents’ house in Colorado and reflecting on the tremendous ways in which this global pandemic is impacting people worldwide. If you live a life of privilege like I do, maybe the impact is that your life trajectory has changed slightly, … Continue reading Corona Reflections. By Ruby Tedeschi
Marielle Presente!
Marielle, Presente! By Rafael R. Ioris, March 14, 2020 marks the second anniversary of the brutal murder of Marielle Franco, a Black queer woman who served in Rio de Janeiro’s city council as a leading voice for Black people’s rights, poor people’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and human rights more broadly. Investigations on the … Continue reading Marielle Presente!