Dear friends: On Saturday, September 19th, 2020. A group of DJPC volunteers donated the equivalent of 40 hours to ReVision in the Westwood neighborhood, harvested tomatoes and did maintenance work. To further our commitment to solidarity with working class, immigrant, Latinx, and grassroots movements. Westwood has one of the largest latinx populations (77%), in Denver, … Continue reading Thank you Build for Peace volunteers and Sponsors! You help us raise $1,950!
We stand united against this attack on civil liberties and the ongoing movement for Black Lives.
The Denver Justice & Peace Committee (DJPC) stands in solidarity with the six racial justice organizers who were arrested on September 17. Over the summer, these organizers sought to hold the Aurora police department accountable for the killing of Elijah McClain by holding marches and demonstrations. Some thirty charges have been made against them, ranging … Continue reading We stand united against this attack on civil liberties and the ongoing movement for Black Lives.
Save the Date: Awards Night 2020
Today: We Stand in Solidarity with the People’s of Chile. Light a candle.
f there were one concept to summarize why the Denver Justice and Peace Committee stands with the people of Chile, that word would be solidarity. To us solidarity means that when you hurt, I hurt. When you are scared, I am scared. And, when you need back up, I show up. DJPC has stood in … Continue reading Today: We Stand in Solidarity with the People’s of Chile. Light a candle.
Summer 2020 Newsletter
Click here to read the Summer Newsletter 2020 Covid-19 in Latin America: New Challenges in the World’s Most Unequal Region. By Rafael R. Ioris. Board of Directors Member. FreeThem All. By Alice Garcia. DJPC Summer Intern. Take Action: Garifuna Land Defenders Forcibly Disappeared. By Brigitte Gynther from the SOA Watch Staff Collective.
Covid-19 in Latin America: New Challenges in the World’s Most Unequal Region
By Rafael R. Ioris Finally confirming what many scientists had been saying for the last 20 or so years, a new global pandemic has brought the entire world to a halt in the last five months. The rapid spreading of a new form of coronavirus, called Covid-19, stalled global commercial chains among countries and forced … Continue reading Covid-19 in Latin America: New Challenges in the World’s Most Unequal Region
Free Them All
By Alice Garcia, summer intern at the DJPC Photo by Lynn Holland “It is no more or less than a concentration camp. It is a stain on our moral consciousness as a society. [Detention centers] need to be shut down.” — Human rights activist Isa Villalon Protestors have been camping outside … Continue reading Free Them All
Organizations deliver petition with 2000+ signatures against the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs)
Migrants’ rights organizations deliver petition with 2000+ signatures against the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs) Learn more and Take Action Leer en español Today, a broad coalition of Central and North American organizations delivered a petition to the U.S. Congress with more than 2000 signatures against the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs). The agreements, also known as … Continue reading Organizations deliver petition with 2000+ signatures against the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs)
Call for Nominations for the Global Justice and Peace Award 2020. Due June 20th.
Call for Nominations: The Global Justice and Peace Award recipient should be an individual or organization doing exemplary work, in solidarity with the people of Latin America. Nominations should include a description of why the individual or group should be considered, and how their work is aligned with DJPC’s mission. Send your nominations to: by … Continue reading Call for Nominations for the Global Justice and Peace Award 2020. Due June 20th.
We support those who seek systemic change in conditions that contribute to injustice and violence in the Americas and the Global South.
We support those who seek systemic change in conditions that contribute to injustice and violence in the Americas and the Global South. Denver Justice and Peace Committee (DJPC) stands in solidarity with those protesting, resisting, and organizing against racism and its expression in violence against African Americans and all people of color. Eight minutes and … Continue reading We support those who seek systemic change in conditions that contribute to injustice and violence in the Americas and the Global South.