“I usually just run the 13.1 miles, no preparation, no training, and it’s an event. This time I am doing it differently, committing to my own self-care, my own transformation, and aiming to connect my own struggle with the struggle for justice, in some small way, learning more about myself, the people and issues DJPC advocates/educates/acts in the name of, and the precious earth/life I love.”
These are words from our hermana, Melissa Nix, that has been training for the last three months and will be running the Colfax half marathon on Saturday morning.
Yes, she will be running 13.1 miles on Saturday to raise funds for the DJPC. She has already run 200 miles in training, and has raised over $1,200! Will you chip, $1, $5, $13 or $21? With your donation she can achieve her goal of raising $2,500 to continue our solidarity work? You can donate here!
DJPC elevates human rights, environmental justice and economic equity for allies in Latin America, currently concentrating the work on stopping military aid to the Honduran government and raising awareness of struggles to defend the rights and territories of indigenous peoples in the Brazilian Amazon.
Do you want to learn more about our work, join us next week on Thursday at 6 p.m. for Awards Night, register now here: bit.ly/AwardsNight2021
¡Gracias Melissa!
P.S. If you and/or your friends run the any of the races, you can select us as your Charity Partner. Thank you!