Forum: The Amazon Rainforest – What´s at Stake and What You Can Do. March 3rd, 2021 at 2:00 PM.

The Amazon rainforest is one of the most important ecosystems in the world. Housing Earth’s greatest biodiversity and home to hundreds of traditional indigenous peoples, the Amazon faces an unprecedented level of threats, particularly from neoliberal policies being pushed by the authoritarian government in Brazil and elsewhere. This conversation will help us make sense of these challenges, as well as to think about opportunities for supporting grassroots movements that are mobilizing resistance against them.Register

Andrew Miller brings three decades of human rights activism and international field experience to his work as Amazon Watch’s DC Advocacy Director. Since joining Amazon Watch in 2007, he has provided strategic accompaniment to Indigenous partners from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, facilitating rights-centric advocacy at Washington DC-based institutions such as U.S. executive offices and Congress, the multilateral banks and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. He travels regularly to the Amazon region and offers commentary to media such as CNN, Democracy Now, Al Jazeera English, CNN en Español, and the BBC World Service. Previously, he held several positions at Amnesty International USA, served as an “unarmed bodyguard” in Colombia with Peace Brigades International, and led capacity-building efforts for southern Sudanese community-based organizations through Mercy Corps. Follow Andrew on Twitter: @AmazonMiller



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