URGENT ACTION: Fear for Safety of Evicted Communities in Guatemala

In early September the members of two indigenous communities in the department of Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala, were forcefully evicted from their homes and land.  Amnesty International issued an Urgent Action Appeal on September 25, 2009 urging authorities to allow the evicted members of the communities access to the land from where they were evicted … Continue reading URGENT ACTION: Fear for Safety of Evicted Communities in Guatemala


We Made This

  Welcome to the new Denver Justice and Peace Committee’s website.  What you are looking at is the result of months of planning and discussions by a number of people interested in improving DJPC’s cyber space image.  A search went out in November of 2008 to find folks who were willing to meet and begin working on the new … Continue reading We Made This


The Future Under Funes

The significance of Mauricio Funes’ election as president of El Salvador on March 15, 2009 cannot be overstated. His victory is not just a break—it is the break—with a history of exclusive rule by conquerors and oligarchs. As a result, the stakes are high for Funes and his party, the FMLN. Funes ran on a … Continue reading The Future Under Funes


Communication from EPAF on Developments in Bagua, Peru

COMMUNICATION TO NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC OPINION   The Peruvian Forensic Anthropology Team regrets the unnecessary violence and loss of life in Bagua over the weekend and expresses its concern that the tenuous calm in the region does not once again devolve into confrontation and bloodshed. Out of an interest in maintaining the peace and … Continue reading Communication from EPAF on Developments in Bagua, Peru


Mexico before the Inter-American Court for the Femicides of Cd. Juárez

   Since 1994 the brutal murders of hundreds of women and girls in Ciudad Juárez and the city of Chihuahua in northern Mexico have been met with impunity.  Despite loud and persistent outcry from family members and human rights advocates across Mexico and around the world, authorities have consistently failed to adequately investigate, prosecute and … Continue reading Mexico before the Inter-American Court for the Femicides of Cd. Juárez
