Join us September 25, as we March for Citizenship and demand justice for all immigrants! We will gather at Viking Park (Northwest Denver, corner of 29th and Federal) and march to Auraria campus where we will have a rally with speakers and performances. On May 1, 2006, hundreds of thousands of Coloradans marched from Viking … Continue reading March for Citizenship: Sept 25! // ¡Marcha para la ciudadanía: 25 de septiembre!
As we work towards food justice, we thank you for Build for Peace!
Hello Community! Every year, here at the Denver Justice and Peace Committee (DJPC) we have a fundraiser called Build for Peace (B4P) which translates in to a day of community service for meaningful project. We recruit a group of volunteers that request pledges to raise funds for DJPC to continue its solidarity work. As you … Continue reading As we work towards food justice, we thank you for Build for Peace!
Build for Peace at Frontline Farming: September 11 at 8 a.m.
Build for Peace (B4P) is a day of service for a community organization, for years it has been a major fundraising effort for DJPC. Our goal is to get DJPC volunteers involved in raising funds by requesting sponsorship to family and friends for a half day of work at a community organization. We invite you … Continue reading Build for Peace at Frontline Farming: September 11 at 8 a.m.
2021 Virtual Annual Global Justice and Peace Awards Night: Save the Date
Call for Volunteers: Build for Peace 2021
WE’LL BE WORKING AT TWO COMMUNITY FARMS: Dear friends, We want to share with you the wonderful news that this year we will be doing our annual Build for Peace fundraiser at two farms that provide food justice to our communities. We are looking for volunteers, up to 15 per location, to join us in … Continue reading Call for Volunteers: Build for Peace 2021
Global Day of Action against Mining/Día de Acción Global contra la Minería
The 22nd of July 2021 is the Global Day Against Mining. This year, it finds most of us under COVID lockdowns that, in many cases, are restricting our rights and rendering our struggles against destructive mining invisible. Yet the global mining industry freely operates under the guise of post-pandemic recovery. Wherever we are today, we … Continue reading Global Day of Action against Mining/Día de Acción Global contra la Minería
Spotlight On: Climate Migration on Thursday, July 29th at 5:30
Para leer en español prosiga a la parte de abajo. Join us on Thursday, July 29th at 5:30 pm MST for an interactive conversation on Climate Migration. Climate Migration happens when people who leave their homes when climate stressors, like changing rainfall, rising sea waters or wild fires, put pressure on people to leave their … Continue reading Spotlight On: Climate Migration on Thursday, July 29th at 5:30
Call for Nominations 2021 Global Justice and Peace Award
Para leer en español prosiga a la parte de abajo. The Global Justice and Peace Award recipient should be an individual or an organization doing exemplary work, in solidarity with the people of Latin America. Nominations should include a description of why the individual or group should be considered, and how their work is aligned … Continue reading Call for Nominations 2021 Global Justice and Peace Award
Phone Zap on Honduras Human Rights Bills. Wednesday, May 12 at noon.
Five years after the assassination of Berta Cáceres, an indigenous Honduran environmental and human rights activist, the Berta Cáceres Human Rights Act (H.R. 1574) was reintroduced into the US House of Representatives. Three out of the eight people who were arrested for her assassination in March 2016 were US-trained forces; two were trained at the infamous … Continue reading Phone Zap on Honduras Human Rights Bills. Wednesday, May 12 at noon.
Human Rights and Anti Corruption Bills in Honduras Teach-In. May 6th at 6:00 pm.
Vea abajo en Español You are invited to a teach-in on legislative activism. Thursday, May 6th at 6:00pm. Professor Dana Frank will share with us the history behind three bills on Honduras and how to advocate for them. You will also hear from Hondurans living in Colorado in the Lucha para Honduras Libre organization. This … Continue reading Human Rights and Anti Corruption Bills in Honduras Teach-In. May 6th at 6:00 pm.