On Tuesday, September 13th the Denver Justice and Peace Committee and The Casa Mayan welcomed Arturo J. Viscarra from The School of the America Watch (SOAW). After holding an annual vigil at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia, the human rights group SOA Watch is moving its convergence to become bi-national at the U.S./Mexico border … Continue reading Resisting the militarization of migration: U.S. & Latin America
Thursday August 18th at 7pm: Salon Discussion with Jesse Freeston
Film Screening Salon Discussion with Jesse Freeston, director and co-producer June 28th 2009. The first coup d’etat in Central America in a generation overthrows the elected government of Honduras. A nationwide resistance movement is born, bringing together teachers, taxi drivers, farmers and everyone in between. Among them 2,000 families from the Aguan Valley who respond … Continue reading Thursday August 18th at 7pm: Salon Discussion with Jesse Freeston
Save the date: October 29th 2016. Global Justice & Peace Award
ANNUAL AWARDS NIGHT – October 29th 2016 DJPC Global Justice & Peace Award 2016: We have the honor to announce that the recipient for this year’s Global Justice & Peace Award is Otros Mundos de Chiapas. Otros Mundos de Chiapas is committed to the search for alternatives to the social, economic, political and environmental crisis … Continue reading Save the date: October 29th 2016. Global Justice & Peace Award
DJPC member, Rick Clifford, on KGNU speaks against open pit mines
Thank you to Rick Clifford, DJPC member of the year 2013, who was interviewed on Friday July 22 by KGNU’s Hannah Lee Myers about the dangers of open pit mining, especially in Latin American countries which often have lax regulations and corrupt elected politicians on the mining company’s bankroll. Go to MINUTE 10 at the … Continue reading DJPC member, Rick Clifford, on KGNU speaks against open pit mines
Global Day of Action Against Open-Pit Mining – July 22, 2016.
Today, July 22, many citizens of various countries around the world took action to raise awareness of the serious social and environmental impacts posed by open pit mines on the Global Day of Action Against Open-Pit Mining. Mining companies destroy the living environment, monopolize the natural wealth that is essential for human communities, they transform … Continue reading Global Day of Action Against Open-Pit Mining – July 22, 2016.
Global Day of Action Against Open Pit Mining. July 22 @ 12noon
Join us for our annual action on the Day of Action Against Open Pit Mining! We will be at the west steps of the State Capitol at 12 noon on July 22nd. Individuals, activist, and organizations around the globe will be in action on July 22nd. In 2009, opponents of the gold mine in Cerro … Continue reading Global Day of Action Against Open Pit Mining. July 22 @ 12noon
Salon Discussion: “Indigenous resistance in Cotacachi – Ecuador”. July 21st @ 7pm
Salon Discussion with: Alicia Perugachi Guajan “Indigenous resistance in Cotacachi – Ecuador“ Alicia Perugachi Guajan started organizing at the age of 14 in her native community with the Union of Organizations of Cotacachi , Ecuador – UNORCAC. She is a community promoter who has developed social and environmental projects, organizational capacity building for women, and … Continue reading Salon Discussion: “Indigenous resistance in Cotacachi – Ecuador”. July 21st @ 7pm
Salon Discussion: Las Bambas No VA! June 16th 2016
The Denver Justice and Peace Committee & The Committee in Solidarity and Support with the Struggle of the People of Apurimac Presents the Salon Discussion: “Las Bambas NO VA!” Las Bambas is copper mine situated in the province of Catabambas and Grau in the department of Apurimac, in the center of Peru. 47 communities of … Continue reading Salon Discussion: Las Bambas No VA! June 16th 2016
“Rana Plaza and the Fight for Safe Factories in the Global Garment Industry”
DJPC Salon Discussion: May 19th at 7:00 PM On April 24, 2013, 1,129 garment workers in Bangladesh who were making clothes for foreign brands such as Benetton and Wal-Mart died when the building they were working in collapsed. Though it was hardly the first industrial accident in the country’s garment sector, Rana Plaza was by … Continue reading “Rana Plaza and the Fight for Safe Factories in the Global Garment Industry”
The Social Psychology of “Us vs Them” Climate Change Messages
DJPC Salon Discussion with: Maria Talero This was an interactive mini-workshop on key lessons from social psychology that apply both to the climate crisis and the struggle for social justice. The punchline: we are deeply prone to “us vs them” thinking and other cognitive biases, and we selectively ‘filter’ information in a way that conforms to our … Continue reading The Social Psychology of “Us vs Them” Climate Change Messages