Colfax Marathon – May 19th and 20th 2018 This coming weekend a team of DJPC folks will be running for peace. For the second year in a row, we will run/walk the BellcoColfax 5K which is the kick off of Denver’s Colfax Marathon weekend. Two of our runners, will be doing a Half Marathon and … Continue reading Spring is here and we run for peace in the Colfax Marathon weekend
Newmont Mining Shareholders Confronted by Protesters. By thenationreport
Newmont Mining Shareholders Confronted by Protesters Posted by thenationreport Denver residents protest the Newmont Shareholders’ meeting at the Hilton Inverness Hotel on Wednesday. (all photos: The Nation Report) The Denver Justice and Peace Committee (DJPC) has years of experience fighting the mining practices of Newmont Mining. So it wasn’t a surprise on Wednesday to see … Continue reading Newmont Mining Shareholders Confronted by Protesters. By thenationreport
Press Release: April 25 Protest Newmont Mining Corporation for its Human and Environmental Rights Abuses
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Steve Piper DJPC Minewatch 303 596 8972 [email protected] Denver, Colorado, April 24th 2018 Throughout the world, open-pit and other high tech mining technologies are producing chemical waste that contaminates water supplies, degrades the natural environment, and destroys the possibility of farming and fishing for a living. Deforestation and the use … Continue reading Press Release: April 25 Protest Newmont Mining Corporation for its Human and Environmental Rights Abuses
Protest Newmont Mining Corporation for its Human & Environmental Rights Abuses.
We are going to hold a protest outside the hotel where Newmont Mining will be holding its upcoming shareholder meeting. Newmont is being sued in federal court here in the US by Máxima Acuña, for beating her and her family, destroying her crops, and damaging her property. Newmont is also destroying the surrounding environment by … Continue reading Protest Newmont Mining Corporation for its Human & Environmental Rights Abuses.
Call for Nominations Global Justice & Peace Award Due date: May 15th 2018
Call for Nominations for the Global Justice & Peace Award Due date for nominations: May 15th 2018 Vidalina Morales leader of The National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining in El Salvador receiving the 2017 Global Justice and Peace Award. This award is given at the Denver Justice and Peace Committee’s Awards Night. The Global Justice and … Continue reading Call for Nominations Global Justice & Peace Award Due date: May 15th 2018
April Forum: The SOA Watch Borderlands Encuentro and Experiences
In the current political climate with talk of building walls, heightened security, and fear, what does it mean to the lives of the people living at or near our southern border who exist in the shadows? Come and hear the experiences of students, community members, and professors from several universities in Denver who attended the … Continue reading April Forum: The SOA Watch Borderlands Encuentro and Experiences
Fighting for a Better Life in Chiapas
DJPC board member, professor Lynn Holland will report back on her recent journey to Chiapas with a group of nine students from the University of Denver. She will describe how the people of Chiapas, the poorest state in Mexico, are fighting back against hazardous large-scale commercial projects by courageously protesting big mining operations, providing education … Continue reading Fighting for a Better Life in Chiapas
Urgent Notice from the DJPC: You can make a difference!
Urgent Notice from the DJPC: You can make a difference! Honduras is currently in danger of returning to the era of authoritarian rule that prevailed in the 1980s. In response to a highly suspect presidential election in November, mass protest has erupted throughout much of the country. As the government has moved to crack down … Continue reading Urgent Notice from the DJPC: You can make a difference!
Forum: February 15th, 2018: Global Discontents: A Conversation With David Barsamian.
March with DJPC in the MLK MARADE: Monday: January 21st 2019 10:30 am
March with DJPC in the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. MARADE. Join the movement celebrating the legacy of nonviolent civil disobedience of Martin Luther King Jr. DJPC folks will meet on the southeast corner of 16th and Esplanade at 10:30 AM. We’ll be going down Esplanade St. to Colfax Ave., and ending at Civic … Continue reading March with DJPC in the MLK MARADE: Monday: January 21st 2019 10:30 am