Join the Delegation to Chiapas: November 27th – December 3rd 2018

Delegation to Chiapas: Human Rights and Alternatives to Development

Join our one week delegation to Chipas, Mexico. From November 27 through December 3, 2018 The delegation will start in San Cristobal de las Casas where you will have the opportunity to see firsthand anti-systemic alternatives to the neoliberal development model. Then you will travel to
several communities to learn about the rural and indigenous people and their  struggles and resistance.

The delegation fee is $970 plus airfare. The cost covers all meals, lodging, in-country transportation, coordination, and guides. It does not cover travel to and from Mexico or any other international travel related expenses.

This delegation is a collaboration with the Josef Korbel School of International Studies and the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work Latinas/os/x Certificate Program, in partnership with two local mexican organizations, Natik and Otros Mundos de Chiapas.

Apply now! Deadline to apply: October 26th. Spaces are limited. Minimal command of the Spanish language is suggested but not required.

If you are interested and have any further questions please contact Lynn Holland at [email protected].


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