2025 Marade “Make Real the Promises of Democracy”

2025 Marade “Make Real the Promises of Democracy”

MARADE Details:
2025 marks 41 years since Martin Luther King Jr. Day became a state holiday in Colorado.
? Monday, January 20th, 2025.
? 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
?  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have a Dream” Monument, City Park, Denver, CO to Civic Center Park, Denver, CO

This update has been provided by the  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Colorado Holiday Commission:

For Marade participants,

If you have decided to not attend the Marade this year, please disregard this information. If you are still planning on joining us, please read the information below.

As the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Colorado Holiday Commission monitors the weather for Monday’s event, we aim to provide an event that provides as much safety as possible. Given this, we do not cancel the Marade since folks do still show up to march, and we still want to be sure all safety precautions are in place. However, we are adjusting a few things in order to keep folks as safe as possible with the extreme cold. Please see below the revised schedule for the Marade, including that the start time of the Marade has been changed.

There is a weather advisory for Denver. The Denver Department of Public Health & Environment recommends infants, elderly, and those with respiratory issues to stay home. If you do choose to still attend, please attend at your own risk and come prepared.

UPDATED AGENDA: (All times are approximate and subject to change)

10:30 am

Shortened City Park Program begins. Vendors in City Park will be available with resources, snacks, swag, and other informational pieces. Please visit them!

11:00 am:  MARADE STEP OFF

Since it is primarily a march for the people, we do not have an official marade order, other than ADA vehicles and dignitaries/elected officials at the front. Please be respectful about working with people to get into line as part of the march.

This year, there is major construction occurring along the route, along Colfax Avenue with the BRT project. Please help one another to follow the cones and lane alignments to not disrupt any construction zones.

MARADE ROUTE ONLY Warming Centers: Please use these as a last resort to not overwhelm staff and facilities.

  • Carla Madison Recreation Center (2401 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206) opens at 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
  • Church in the City – 1580 N Gaylord St, Denver, CO 80206
  • Pete’s Kitchen – 1962 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206
    • If you go into Pete’s Kitchen this weekend and mention “Marade”, you will receive 10% off your order!
  • Webb Building Atrium – 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – (201 W Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80202) will be open at the conclusion of the Marade route.

12:00 pm*
*Civic Center Park Events have been cancelled. Participants will disperse and head home once the march arrives to Civic Center Park. Please get home safely!

2025 Marade «Hacer realidad las promesas de la democracia»

Detalles de MARADE:2025 marca 41 años desde que el Día de Martin Luther King Jr. se convirtió en un día festivo estatal en Colorado.

  • Lunes, 20 de enero de 2025
  • 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
  • Monumento Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. «Tengo un sueño», City Park, Denver, CO hasta Civic Center Park, Denver, CO.

Algunos de nosotres estamos planeando marchar el lunes, por favor tomen precauciones si planean unirse ya que habrá un clima extremadamente frío. Si vas, te animamos a llevar tres capas terminando con un cortavientos, cubrir toda la piel y ¡llevar dos pares de calcetines!

AGENDA (Todos los horarios son aproximados y están sujetos a cambios)

10:30 h: Comienza el programa de City Park. Los vendedores en City Park estarán disponibles con recursos, aperitivos, botín, y otras piezas informativas. Visítelos.

Este año, hay una importante construcción que ocurre a lo largo de la ruta, a lo largo de la Avenida Colfax con el proyecto BRT. Por favor, ayúdense unos a otros a seguir los conos y alineaciones de carriles para no interrumpir ninguna zona de construcción.


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