Cease Fire Now! Our statement on Gaza

Cease Fire Now!

The Denver Justice and Peace Committee stands in solidarity with the people of Gaza against the siege and murder imposed by the government of Israel. On October 7th, Hamas committed crimes by killing and kidnapping more than 1200 Israelis, many of them civilians. We condemn this act, but it in no way justifies the closure of the Gaza strip to humanitarian relief, the heavy bombardments that have destroyed basic housing and infrastructure, and the murder of over 26000 Palestinians to date, many of them civilians.

OUR CALL: We call for an immediate ceasefire.

  • We call for the return of all hostages and political prisoners.
  • We call for the immediate lifting of the blockade on Gaza and the delivery of critical humanitarian relief and food.
  • We call for an immediate investigation and punishment of war crimes committed by the Israeli state.
  • We call for the end to decades of violence, apartheid, and illegal occupation of Palestinian land.
  • We call for recognition of the right of Palestinian people to self-determination and equal rights for Palestinians living in Israel.

February 1, 2024.
The DJPC Team


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