Webinar: Honduras: Water and Land Defenders and U.S. Policy. Monday, March 7th at 5 pm.

Dear friends,

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the assassination of Berta Cáceres for her opposition to a U.S.-backed hydroelectric project in Honduras. Three of those convicted of her murder received military training in the U.S., including at the School of the Americas and West Point. In honor of Berta and her legacy, we invite you to join us this coming Monday for a webinar:

Honduras: Water and Land Defenders and U.S. Policy
Monday, March 7, 2022
5pm via Zoom
The webinar will be bilingual in both English and Spanish

The webinar will feature Berta’s daughter and COPINH General Coordinator, Bertha Zúniga, as well as the head of the legal team seeking justice for Berta and co-founder of the Broad Movement for Dignity and Justice (MADJ), Víctor Fernández. The webinar will discuss the current status of efforts to seek justice for Berta as well as the way in which the U.S. continues supporting hydroelectric projects similar to the one Berta was murdered for opposing, all in the name of “development”. Bertha and Victor will also reflect on the new political context in Honduras and their demands with regards to U.S. policy, including efforts to get the U.S. to stop supporting the Jilamito Hydroelectric Project. Register here.

This webinar is a joint effort of SOA Watch, Massachusetts Peace Action, Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective, and the Denver Justice and Peace Committee.

As we remember Berta today, her legacy and vision continue to have much to teach us. She was clear in her critique of imperialism, militarization, patriarchy, racism, and colonialism. She spoke out against both the covert and overt forms of U.S. intervention and was steadfast in her solidarity with the struggles of oppressed peoples around the globe. You can watch COPINH’s commemoration of the 6th anniversary of the planting of Berta on their Facebook page here.

¡Berta Vive, la lucha sigue!  Berta lives, the struggle continues!


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