In honor of the earth that sustains us all, Happy Earth Hour!

In honor of the earth that sustains us all, Happy Earth Hour!

Time to unite to protect the planet! Every year since 2007, people all over the world have turned off their lights for one hour to draw attention to the impact of energy use on the planet. That hour is upon us! Today, Saturday, March 28, 8:30-9:30 pm, we have the chance to honor nature and all those who guard and protect it by joining them in this annual lights-out event. In the midst of the Covid-19 practice of staying at home and physical distancing, there are many ways to observe Earth Hour: Enjoy dinner, online games, or a good book by candlelight, or “camp out” by flashlight in your living room or backyard. Check here for more ideas and to sign the petition to urge world leaders to take action to protect the planet.



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