Salon Discussion January 2016

Solidarity with the peoples of Ayotzinapa:a conversation with Ismael Netzahualtl.

Solidaridad con el pueblo de Ayotzinapa:conversando con Ismael Netzahualt.

Thursday January 21 2016/ Jueves 21 de Enero del 2016

7-8:30 PM

@ Highlands United Methodist church community Hall 3131 Osceola Street
Free parking in church lot at 32
nd & Osceola and on street. Estacionamiento gratuito.

Interpretation will be provided / Habrá interpretación

For information/ para mas información:

Salon Claudia Paz y Paz:
Interview / Entrevista: Poniatowska:

Ayotzinapa, Paradigm of the War on Drugs in Mexico: Mexico one year after Ayotzinapa.  A new afterword to “Drug War Capitalism” By Dawn Paley

Tel. 303-623-1463  * [email protected] *
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Follow us on twitter: @denjustpeace

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