July Salon/DJPC’s Summer Film Series featuring “abUSed: The Postville Raid”

photo courtesy www.AbusedThePostvilleRaid.com

On May 12, 2008, 389 undocumented workers were arrested and placed in handcuffs and chains by 900 heavily armed ICE agents at Agriprocessors, Inc., the largest kosher slaughterhouse and meat-packing plant in the country.  In just 4 days, nearly 300 of these workers were fast-tracked through the US legal system, convicted of criminal charges, and sentenced to prison.  Individuals were left humiliated, families were torn apart, and a community of great diversity was left in ruin.

“AbUSed: The Postville Raid” is a full-length documentary that tells the story of the most brutal, most expensive, and one of the largest Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids in the history of the United States.  By weaving together the personal stories of the individuals, the families, and the town directly affect by the events of May 12, 2008, the film presents the human face of the issue of immigration reform and serves as a cautionary tale against abuses of constitutional human rights.

Directed by Luis Argueta.  For more information or to view the trailer go to www.abusedthepostvilleraid.com .

Thursday, July 21


Denver Justice & Peace Committee

at Highlands United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall

3131 Osceola Street, Denver 80212

(corner of 32nd and Osceola)

Free parking is available in the lot east of the building as well as along the street.

Enter through the door located on Osceola Street.

Website: www.denjustpeace.org | Phone: 303-623-1463 | E-mail:[email protected]


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