2018 John Proctor Member of the Year: Sister Betty Voss

2018 John Proctor Member of the Year: Sister Betty Voss Sister Betty Voss, a Sister of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has devoted herself to the cause of social justice throughout her life. She has taught at both the elementary and college levels in Illinois, Iowa, and Tennessee, and taught in a bilingual school … Continue reading 2018 John Proctor Member of the Year: Sister Betty Voss


Awards Night: November 4th at 6:00pm

Join us on November 4th to honor the outstanding achievement of The National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining, a campesino-led movement in El Salvador. In March 2017, the Roundtable won an historic legislative victory by securing a prohibition against all metals mining in perpetuity. For a land-poor country with vulnerable water sources and a significant rural … Continue reading Awards Night: November 4th at 6:00pm


“Defending Truth and Memory: The Path Towards Justice”

Altar for collective healing and in memory of people killed in Guatemala’s genocide. During the month of October we are remembering all the victims of the Guatemalan genocide. We have installed an Altar as part of the commemorations of the Day of the Dead. You can visit the altar at The Chicano Humanities and Arts … Continue reading “Defending Truth and Memory: The Path Towards Justice”



Please Join DJPC in Honoring: National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining – El Salvador DJPC’s Global Justice and Peace Award is offered to individuals and/or organizations for their contributions to social justice around the world. This year, the Award will be given to the National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining (Mesa Nacional Frente a la Minería Metálica) … Continue reading SAVE THE DATE: DJPC ANNUAL AWARDS NIGHT NOVEMBER 4TH 2017


Forum: The Central American Migrant Crisis: Human Rights and Refuge at the Mexico-Guatemala Border

DJPC Forum: Professor Rebecca Galemba and Kaelyn DeVries give details on a one week preliminary trip to migrant shelters at the Mexico-Guatemala border. The trip is part of a larger collaboration with the Center for Migration Studies and the Scalabrini Migrant Shelter Network to document human rights abuses experienced by Central American migrants on the … Continue reading Forum: The Central American Migrant Crisis: Human Rights and Refuge at the Mexico-Guatemala Border


Thank you Build for Peace volunteers! Thank you sponsors! You helped raise over $2,000

Thank you to DJPC volunteers: Amy Czulada, Aaron Schneider, Lynn Holland, Natasha Raquel Kerr, Rebeca Zuniga, Lorena Gaibor, Pat Buckley, Homero Ocon, James Chaney, and Luna Serena. Last Saturday (8/26/2017) our team of volunteers worked at La Casita Community House in Westwood, and fixed up the deck and put up a new basketball hoop, improving … Continue reading Thank you Build for Peace volunteers! Thank you sponsors! You helped raise over $2,000


Call for volunteers. Build for Peace on Saturday August 26th 2017

Build for Peace (B4P ) is a work-a-thon which follows the model of the popular and commonly known walk-a-thon. It is a major fundraising effort for DJPC and has been an annual event for over 20 years.  The organizational goal is to get as many DJPC volunteers involved in raising funds by requesting sponsorship to … Continue reading Call for volunteers. Build for Peace on Saturday August 26th 2017


Global Day of Action Against Open-Pit Mining

On Saturday, July 22, Global Day of Action Against Open-Pit Mining, citizens around the world took action to raise awareness of the devastating social and environmental impacts posed by open pit mining. In Denver, the Denver Justice and Peace Committee (DJPC) together with 350 Colorado, Climate Courage Education and Organization and Food and Water Watch … Continue reading Global Day of Action Against Open-Pit Mining


Press Release: Global Day of Action Against Open-Pit Mining

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Lynn Holland DJPC Minewatch 303 744-9134 [email protected] www.denjustpeace.org Denver, Colorado, July 2017 Throughout the world, open-pit and other high tech mining technologies are producing chemical waste that contaminates water supplies, degrades the natural environment, and destroys the possibility of farming and fishing for a living. Deforestation and the use of dynamite … Continue reading Press Release: Global Day of Action Against Open-Pit Mining


Global Day of Action Against Open Pit Mining: July 22 @ 11 AM

Join us for our annual action on the Day of Action Against Open Pit Mining! Many coalitions from around the world will be organizing actions on this day to build awareness on the devastating effects of climate chaos. Saturday, July 22nd at 11 am at the West Steps of the State Capitol. This is the … Continue reading Global Day of Action Against Open Pit Mining: July 22 @ 11 AM
