(English) Blog

Call for sustainers. Any amount counts!

Denver, March 1st 2017 Dear DJPC members and financial supporters, To quote Charles Dickens from A Tale of Two Cities, «It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of … Continue reading Call for sustainers. Any amount counts!


DJPC Stands in Solidarity with Maxima Acuña. February 2017.

At Denver Justice and Peace Committee we learned earlier this week from Grufides, a human rights organization based in Peru, that Máxima Acuña Chaupe, winner of the 2016 Goldman Environmental Prize, and her husband Jaime Chaupe, were again victimized by personnel at the Yanacocha mine owned by Newmont Mining Corporation. Company’s security forces entered their … Continue reading DJPC Stands in Solidarity with Maxima Acuña. February 2017.


Boulder International Film Festival: March 2 – 5 2017

Friday, March 3rd at 12pm, Boulder Theater THE BORNEO CASE Sweden, Feature Documentary, 2016, 78 min Ninety percent of eastern Borneo’s forest has been sold off and destroyed. But where did all that money go? In this  modern-day thriller, a polyglot group of investigators manages to expose Abdul Taib Mahmud, the chief minister of Sarawak, … Continue reading Boulder International Film Festival: March 2 – 5 2017


Petition to keep Jeanette her in Colorado with her family

To sign the petition go to: https://action.groundswell-mvmt.org/petitions/jeanette-s-family-needs-her To: Director Jeffrey Lynch Jeanette’s Family Needs Her Why is this important? Jeanette Vizguerra, a Colorado community leader and mother, is facing deportation. Jeanette has led the fight against her own deportation since 2009, part of her secret to success is her die hard community. She needs it … Continue reading Petition to keep Jeanette her in Colorado with her family


Journey to Chiapas: Accompaniment, Community, and Resistance

Journey to Chiapas: Accompaniment, Community, and Resistance Jim Chaney, DJPC member of the year 1986 and University of Denver Students Victoria Watson-Nava and Amy Czulada will share their experiences during our Delegation to Chiapas. Sunday, February 12, 2017 12:30 p.m. after 11:00 a.m. mass Ten-Thirty Catholic Community 1100 Fillmore St Denver     Social Systems … Continue reading Journey to Chiapas: Accompaniment, Community, and Resistance



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Contact: Oscar Juarez-Luna, [email protected]; 720-203-6836   THE COLORADO IMMIGRANT RIGHTS COALITION CONDEMNS THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S ACTIONS AGAINST THE IMMIGRANT COMMUNITY DENVER – Today, President Trump has made two executive orders attacking Colorado’s immigrant communities. The first focused on the construction of his «great wall,» militarizing and increasing border … Continue reading THE COLORADO IMMIGRANT RIGHTS COALITION CONDEMNS THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S ACTIONS AGAINST THE IMMIGRANT COMMUNITY


Stop Pruitt: Keep Climate Deniers Out of the EPA!

Monday, January 23rd at Noon: Join us as we rally outside Senator Bennet’s office. 1127 Sherman Street. Denver. Colorado. Trump has selected Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to run the EPA. His nomination, if approved by the Senate, will prove to be a disaster for the health of our environment, and the future of our … Continue reading Stop Pruitt: Keep Climate Deniers Out of the EPA!


MARADE: MLK March and Parade: January 16th at 10:30am

«Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.» MLK Join the movement celebrating the legacy of nonviolent civil disobedience of Martin Luther King Jr. March with DJPC in the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. MARADE. The March and Parade will take place on Monday January 16th. We will … Continue reading MARADE: MLK March and Parade: January 16th at 10:30am


Critical Assessment and Planning Retreat: January 28: 9:30 -3:30

You have all supported us over 35 years. Some for a few months, others for a number of years, and many for decades. Together we challenged Nestle, made Denver a sanctuary city for Central American refugees, been human shields in Guatemala’s peace process, observed democracy being build in El Salvador and Honduras, accompanied mining struggles … Continue reading Critical Assessment and Planning Retreat: January 28: 9:30 -3:30


Environmental Justice and Resistance to Mining in Chiapas. January 19th

Salon Discussion: January 19th, 2017 at 7:00 PM Detalles en español abajo del texto en inglés. Build solidarity from below and to the Left, as they say in Chiapas. In early December, the DJPC-Korbel School delegation visited Chiapas and witnessed the poisoning of the very water people rely on to survive. Relentless pursuit of titanium … Continue reading Environmental Justice and Resistance to Mining in Chiapas. January 19th
