Join KGNU, DJPC and Cafe Cultura for the Colorado leg of the national tour of two Honduran activists honoring the life of Berta Cáceres. Afro-indigenous autonomous feminist, poet and writer Melissa Cardoza and Karla Lara, an internationally recognized feminist who voices resistance through song and writing, will perform stories from Cardoza’s book *13 Colors of … Continue reading 13 Colors of Resistance Tour in Denver. Saturday, May 20th 2017 at 4:30pm
(English) Blog
We are running for peace on May 20th 2017. Support DJPC with your donation. Any amount counts!
DJPC has a team of six runners that will cross the finish line in pursuit of $3000 for DJPC’s operating costs. Support us with your contributions to continue our solidarity work with the peoples of Latin America; through our work in Denver advocating and educating for human rights, environmental, and economic justice! Will you help … Continue reading We are running for peace on May 20th 2017. Support DJPC with your donation. Any amount counts!
Máxima Acuña and her family acquitted. Supreme court rules against Yanacocha owned by Colorado based Newmont Mining.
Great news today from Peru! The Supreme Court has acquitted Máxima Acuña, an indigenous woman and recent recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize, for usurping land from Newmont Mining near Celendín, Peru. The struggle has been many years in the making. While Newmont and its partner in Peru, joint owners of Yanacocha, have held that … Continue reading Máxima Acuña and her family acquitted. Supreme court rules against Yanacocha owned by Colorado based Newmont Mining.
Call for Nominations Global Peace & Justice Award. Due date 5/15/2017
This award is given at the Denver Justice and Peace Committee’s Awards Night. The Global Justice and Peace Award recipient should be an individual or organization doing exemplary work, in solidarity with the people of Latin America. Nominations should include a description of why the individual or group should be considered, and how their work … Continue reading Call for Nominations Global Peace & Justice Award. Due date 5/15/2017
Forum: Youth Perspectives of Border Militarization. A Report Back from SOA Watch Convergence
After 26 years of history at the gates of Ft. Benning, SOA Watch held its’ first Convergence in Arizona, in order to respond to the present-day call to solidarity with Latin America. SOA Watch aims to call attention to the militarization of the border and Latin America, at the same time that it demands for … Continue reading Forum: Youth Perspectives of Border Militarization. A Report Back from SOA Watch Convergence
DJPC at Earth Day: March for Science. Thank you DJPC Volunteers!
2017 Spring Pot-Luck – Fiesta de traje
Spring Pot-Luck: Friday, April 21st at 6pm. Fellowship Hall; HUMC: 3131 Osceola Street. 80212 In the spirit of celebration and welcome spring we are having our Spring Pot-Luck on Friday, April 21st at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall of the Highlands United Methodist Church (3131 Osceola Street. Denver. CO 80212). We will share our latest … Continue reading 2017 Spring Pot-Luck – Fiesta de traje
La República de El Salvador grita fuerte y claro ¡Sí a la vida!
1 de abril del 2017 Desde Sudamérica hasta Canadá, las y los integrantes del Movimiento Mesoamericano contra el Modelo extractivo Minero (M4), enviamos un fraternal y fuerte abrazo, lleno de felicidad para el pueblo salvadoreño, quienes a través de diversas expresiones sociales, organizaciones y grupos de base, medios de comunicación, la iglesia, entre otros, han … Continue reading La República de El Salvador grita fuerte y claro ¡Sí a la vida!
SOAW Press Release: Protest as Scandal-Ridden President of Honduras Meets with Members of U.S. Congress
Press Release: Protest as Scandal-Ridden President of Honduras Meets with Members of U.S. Congress For immediate release March 21, 2017 Contact: Arturo Viscarra, 617-820-3008 [email protected] Family members of the slain Honduran environmentalist and Indigenous leader, Berta Caceres, and other activists confront President of Honduras during meeting with Members of U.S. Congress In wake of serious … Continue reading SOAW Press Release: Protest as Scandal-Ridden President of Honduras Meets with Members of U.S. Congress
Support DJPC in the May 20 Colfax 5K Run/Walk for Peace
Director Rebeca will limp across the finish line in pursuit of $3000 for operating costs at DJPC. Support us with your contributions, come out and run/walk, and cheer. DATE: Saturday, May 20, 2017 START TIME: 9am START LOCATION: Denver’s City Park. South of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science DISTANCE: 5K (or run the distance … Continue reading Support DJPC in the May 20 Colfax 5K Run/Walk for Peace